What's on The Workbench (1 Viewer)

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Ripped off the fin flashes, didn't like the way I positioned them as in Post #5431, again Airfix, again, very skookum decals. Home-made serial numbers but I don't know if I'll keep them on...


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Ok.. the next small device for the Kingfisher is made. To show its dimensions, the pics were taken with a match this time....



Great work guys. Geo, I think you're right with the OD anti-glare panel. The s/n decals look good to me but the density can be enhanced by printing another set and applying them over top the first set. Makes for a thicker decal but will look blacker.
GB is done so back to the P-40N. Almost put it back in the box. A test fit of the rear clear part revealed that it wouldn't fit flush. I thought that maybe I had installed the rear fuel tank wrong but after some pondering and dithering, I found that the rear part of the clear was too narrow so out came a flat file and large round file. Still a bit of work to make it fit but I have to pack and head off to camp today. Also added the legs.


Looking good there Geo ;) As for me I finished the Poetz 633 a few weeks ago and got the urge to do the S.S.Baltimore.The kit has been in the stash for a couple of years weras a neighbor and I went in hallves on the purchase.The understanding is that I do the wood and he does the rigging(he builds wood ship models).The great thing is that should and I wll get hung up on the planking he will guide me through first hand.The ship when finished will measure out at 32"L X 22"H sporting six cannons (har har har)and figuring one year to complete.


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Great work guys!

Kevin, have you seen Andy's thread about an unofficial ship build? Be great to see your Baltimore in there.

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