What's on The Workbench

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One of the faults with the AMT P-40N kits was the lack of framing on the starboard side of the windscreen(which I completely forgot about) so I gotta build it up. The sprue attachment point will be covered in paint.


Decals arrived while I was in camp so once I've finished the clear parts(sigh), I can put this baby to bed.

Thanks kindly gentlemen. A few more decals, the sticky-outy bits, (groan)clear parts and some touchups and weathering and the P-47 should be done today or tomorrow. Feels good to finish something that's been in the box for a long time.

Anyone who has built an Academy P-47 kit knows that the oleo strut scissors are attached to the sprues in a way that would make a structural engineer happy. During the last build, I broke both of them during removal but managed to save them. This time, I took it easy and after about three minutes the first one came off easy. The second one, well, it wasn't attached as firmly as I though and after about a minute....PING. The last I saw of it was as it roared across my left forearm into the discombobulation that is the left side of my desk. After a great chunk of time had passed, I was going to give up when I looked down by the completed strut and there it was, musta had a couple of ricochets I missed. Anyhoo, a further plus was that I found the p-39 radio deck(?) that I lost a few months ago, so that may be the next unfinished kit I'll tackle.


Decided to break out the Piper Cherokee again. I thought I'd go with a darker Color brown for the main color in the interior.

I also thought I'd work on the other Air inlet on the cowling. The first one is perfectly shaped, I dunno why I'm having trouble with the other side.

I also wanted to put some backing on the 2 front seats using styrene.
Could you share those pics? I'm looking to possibly add the throttle/mixture levers, and the flap handle, possibly the fuel selection switch. some good shots of the panel would help, too. :)
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All's well that ends well, eh George?

That it does Jim, plus I found a landing gear strut. It's painted Azure blue and I have three desert aircraft in various stage of build. Coming along nicely Rob. Symmetry sucks. Still painting the little doo-dads and breakables. My favorite wash, very subtle as shown or you can heavy it up. It also comes in black and sepia


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