What's on The Workbench

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Bullsh!t...not even close....:D

You may say that Little Boy but you have yet to back up those words with pics/#.Just go ahead and admit you gave up the gonans to wife on that faithful day of "I Do" and she can't do it to you twice.Now I hear from others that once you break 1000 kits the wife has rights to shoot the husband/modeler. :)
ok my first build in nearly a year !

Airfix 1/48 EELightning F.6

a quick pic taken on my phone.

Good to see you back at it Karl. Those clamps look interesting, where did you pick them up?

thanks mate

they are actually, giant clothes pegs for hanging out laundry !

got them from a local discount shop, not as strong a grip as proper clamps so do come in usefull for delicate bits !
Karl, I love ya man, but not even you can make THAT Lightning good looking! What in God's name is the appeal? :lol:

Sir, you have offended my Country with your blasphemy washeth your mouth with soap !

you need to see one to understand my friend, maybe not as good looking as some but almost unbeatable at what it could do in its time !

as a 7 year old boy i first saw one blast down the runway pitch up into the vertical and what i thought at the time blast into space !
a second later the noise hit me and bounced my internal organs around in my chest, i was in love so much i dropped my ice cream !!!

but 5 minutes later a Vulcan did the same thing only louder and i jumped ship !
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Sir, you have offended my Country with your blasphemy washeth your mouth with soap !

you need to see one to understand my friend, maybe not as good looking as some but almost unbeatable at what it could do in its time !

as a 7 year old boy i first saw one blast down the runway pitch up into the vertical and what i thought at the time blast into space !
a second later the noise hit me and bounced my internal organs around in my chest, i was in love so much i dropped my ice cream !!!

but 5 minutes later a Vulcan did the same thing only louder and i jumped ship !

Ah, so there it is... Much respect. (But the looks man, the looks! )

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