What's on The Workbench (1 Viewer)

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Karl, did you have any issues with the front end? If I can recall, I think I had a problem around the intake/front wheel well area and put the thing back in the box.

Karl, did you have any issues with the front end? If I can recall, I think I had a problem around the intake/front wheel well area and put the thing back in the box.


must admit the front end took a bit of persuasion to close up, if i look close enough the seat and instrument panel have twised a bit and i might have to be carefull fitting the nose intake ring to make sure it is all straight, a bit of sanding will sort that out though !
A slow progress to the cardboard model of B-24J of 1/33 scale.

The fuselage.. soaked with CA Superglue.


The central bulkhead of the bomb bay... the top one is my attempt to that .... the bottom part is the part of the papar kit designed by the author. The traces of sanding are seen. I tried to make it more of even surface. Unfortunately it wasn't possible and I decided to make my own bulkhead. Having it made I've painted it with a similar colour that appeared to be the Humbrol 90.




And finally attached to the fuselage ..


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Beaut work! I forgot to mention in our PMs - many B-24s had the ball turret removed by this date, and some of those doing the supply dropping also utilise the ball turret aperture to drop bundles from, as well as the containers in the bomb bays. Might save the fit problems you mentioned ?
THX Terry. It can solve the problem. But I would try to resize the pieces of the turret down with the xero device.

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