What's on The Workbench

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I continue working on the cardboard B-24. Unfortunayely the progress is slow because there is no part that doesn't have to be corrected. E.g.. the chair in the navigator's compartment... the instruction calls for three pieces for the seat. To be honest it looks like a big litter box with an antenna and a drainage pipe. According to my knowledge it should be a small round seat with a char back and leather cushion. Here is my attempt to replicate it before painting.

chair new instr.jpg

chair new.jpg

And here ... the beast is getting shape,


Looking at the chairs in the background Terry, it is a big bugger.

Great bit of work there Wojtek me old mate, really admire that little swivel chair, cute as a button
I haven't done it yet. This is the a dry fitting only. The model was of incorrect wing dihedral. When I corrected it there appeared gaps of 2.5mm at each wing root for wing tops. I have filled them with cardboard strips shaped to the edge of the wing top accordingly. Here a couple of shots showing the gap seen at the port wing while the starboard one has already been filled. The last pic showes the final effct.





ok got the decals finished on the Lightning, just a few ouch ups waiting to dry and then i'll flat coat it and try and get it on its feet !

all the main decals on my Spitfire, seriel number and a few stencils today and a clear coat and maybe a panel wash if time later on.




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