What's on The Workbench (1 Viewer)

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Spritzed the innards with Tamiya XF-63 German Gray ~RLM66. I love the way Eduard makes the fuel line clear to allow for a sight glass after painting

One more tour of nights Vic….or not. I told HR my last day would be the 29th or the first night they put me on haul truck. I'm really hoping for truck
Retirement in the works Geo?
Definitely Evan. 67 now but I may look for part time work; snow removal and vacation coverage just to keep active. My daughter, who works for the district says they might be looking for night-time grader and loader operators
Come on down here Geo. Snow removal is a big deal (if we ever get snow,( twice in 25years)).
Jumped ahead several steps while waiting for paint to dry. I also changed the build sequence as I found Step 2 a tad awkward for myself. I did do Step 1 and glued H63-64 into their respective slots on the wings. Instead of building the three piece wheel well wall off the model I glued them to the wing in the order shown; a very positive and solid fit


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