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Eduard would like you to have the wing leading edge slats open but I prefer everything closed up so off came the attachment lugs which would have needed thinning to fit anyhow. The left slat was a tad long so I filed it to fit. Pitot tube is trying desperately to leave but I wanna see how long it stays

I will have no choice but to have the flaps and radiator flaps in the dropped position, too much effort for me
I was the same way on my Hase kit never have like those deployed. ;)
Fiddly stuff Geo...

I'm taking parts off sprues at moment.
Starting with the Hasegawa Corsairs (4), as they are probably the most work of what I have. (Working the builds for this project 'production line' style, one manufacturer at a time)
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While the lower wing fit and the upper and lower half fit are stellar, as a whole, when test fit to the fuselage, not so much with the right side being just off

The left being better

Already enough dihedral so pulling the wings up is not an option. As can seen seen in the instructions, the lower wing is not full and slots into the upper wing (A) so while trying to keep this flush probably opened up the wing root but only on one side(?). There will be mud

George, I had a similar problem with the Eduard Bf-110 1/72.
Rudder cut and turned to stbd, and cockpit walls thinned (first Corsair)

Well it looks like I beat the deadline all that's left is the aerials.View attachment 794392

This was my first with Florys interesting can see some future use with them definitely easy to use but if you want more removal go gloss I went semi.View attachment 794393
Late for the party by 2 months
May I ask you a question though? Is this the prototype a/c for your model (VMB 611, photo below)?(Maybe you mentioned it earlier, but this thread with models by many is not so easy to follow, sorry. And I don't have the Academy instructions for this particular model).
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Added the tail parts. Not sure of the reasoning behind the two part stabs; there are no others for different variants. There's an old saying on the internet, just because you can doesn't mean you should

Geo, some time ago I started a journey into the secrets of late war Bf 109G-models. Eduard did a very good job and published a few articles about all those minor things that make the real thing out of your Messerschmitt. Of course Eduard wants to save some money on moulds so they use same parts for different subvariants.
You are building a MTT Regensburg Bf 109G-10. The parts for the vertical tail you need are V12+V13. Same fuselage (on frame V) is used for the Bf 109G-14/AS (profipack, there is no weekend). The parts for the vertical tail are V2+V3.
The two different vertical stabilizers are either the metal or the wooden one. That's it.
Veric. tail Bf 109G-14AS Eduard profipack.jpg

P.S. FYI I've attached the information about the Bf 109G-10 Mtt Regensburg by Eduard. #15 is of interest - you need to fill that hatch on the right side - see page 7 in your instructions.


  • Info Eduard Late Bf 109G details - BF 109G-10 Mtt.pdf
    3.5 MB · Views: 2
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