What's on The Workbench

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I was the same way on my Hase kit never have like those deployed.
Fiddly stuff Geo...

I'm taking parts off sprues at moment.
Starting with the Hasegawa Corsairs (4), as they are probably the most work of what I have. (Working the builds for this project 'production line' style, one manufacturer at a time)
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George, I had a similar problem with the Eduard Bf-110 1/72.
Late for the party by 2 months
May I ask you a question though? Is this the prototype a/c for your model (VMB 611, photo below)?(Maybe you mentioned it earlier, but this thread with models by many is not so easy to follow, sorry. And I don't have the Academy instructions for this particular model).
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Geo, some time ago I started a journey into the secrets of late war Bf 109G-models. Eduard did a very good job and published a few articles about all those minor things that make the real thing out of your Messerschmitt. Of course Eduard wants to save some money on moulds so they use same parts for different subvariants.
You are building a MTT Regensburg Bf 109G-10. The parts for the vertical tail you need are V12+V13. Same fuselage (on frame V) is used for the Bf 109G-14/AS (profipack, there is no weekend). The parts for the vertical tail are V2+V3.
The two different vertical stabilizers are either the metal or the wooden one. That's it.

P.S. FYI I've attached the information about the Bf 109G-10 Mtt Regensburg by Eduard. #15 is of interest - you need to fill that hatch on the right side - see page 7 in your instructions.


  • Info Eduard Late Bf 109G details - BF 109G-10 Mtt.pdf
    3.5 MB · Views: 2
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