What's on The Workbench

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well, I took your guys' advice and cleaned up the golf a bit, and it looks a lot better! I'll take pics later cos right now I'm too lazy XD

the Wildcat is still in progress, so is the Camaro. ima put another coat of the red metal flake on it a lil later today
ok, I did quite a bit, today.

1st, I tried to apply a second coat of Red Metal flake to the Camaro, unfortunately, i ran out of paint, so gotta pick some up tomorrow, along with some other things.

2nd, I put the finishing touches on the Golf

3rd, I applied a coat of Gray on the aircraft carrier (finally!!)

4th, I put the finishing paint touches on the F4F wildcat. I just gotta spray som glosscote on it so the decals can go on and stand out better (I hear that's best, anyway)
:lol: :lol:

I'll put up pics a lil later. i actually finished the Wildcat last night, but had a small disaster with one of the decals.

I've been thinking about the P-47 and the BF-109. I think I could switch their decals and make them both look captured! :D
allrighty! I just finished putting the final coat on the Camaro, and she's drying as we speak. I'm gonna work on the Hurricane, now. but I've got a question.

I've got 2 colors.

RAF dark green
RAF P.R.U. Blue

which one should I put on first?
I agree! If it's a Hurricane MkII, in Europe, it would be Dark Green, Dark Sea Grey or Ocean Grey, and Medium Sea Grey or Light Aircraft Grey. If it's a Hurricane Mk I, then it's Dark Green, Dark Earth, Sky.
PRU Blue was only used for Photo Recce (PRU) aircraft, with a few exceptions for underside colours on a very few aircraft.
I've been having a few 'real-life' interventions in the past week or so that have delayed modeling progress of any kind, but I have managed to snatch half an hour tonight to get the Dark Green onto my Hurri I, with any luck will get the Dark Earth on tomorrow and I will post some piccies. I am becoming a huge fan of RAF camo as well - even a scruffy rookie like me can get it right! :lol:
If it's a Hurricane I, you will need Dark Earth (Humbrol 29) for the brown, Dark Green (Humbrol 30) for the green, and undersides can be Sky (Humbrol 90) or black/white split. I am painting up a 1/48 Mk I at the moment and rather than apply one colour all over then paint over it, I have painted the green on, and will do the brown tomorrow night, once the green has cured. On that kind of scheme, it doesnt matter if I overlap a bit, the edges of each colour were meant to be irregular anyway.
@Trebor Camaro Concept look great! (remind me of the Concept Camaro Transformers Movie Car8)

All the best!

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