The instructions said uniform is blue, cap and boots are brown, then skin color, and white straps. Ditch the yellow I have the 1/48 Revell, painted the pilots out of boredom waiting for parts to come.. heres my take on em!
They look more like grumpy old men then pilots to me.. but hey, war takes its toll!
Must be an English thing, presentation is too good to be American.. im sure that potato was might fine tasting, I love me some good potato's, and prime-rib, yum yum yum.
But mail me some of that Rochie, im down for new styles of food!
I combined the fuselages and applied my learned knowledge. Did the sideways motion with my nail filer and used 400 grit fine sand paper then 600 to polish it. This stuff isnt made for plastic but it buffs out the nail filers scratches and gives it a nice smooth polish. I havent used any putty yet, that white residue is dried glue and shred up plastic that got packed into the body. I have to use some putty on the bottom tail wing as there is a little gap and under the nose needs some works but atleast the top is flawless! 8)
I lost some raised detail lines but I really dont care because I dont have a seam and the paint will detract from the little detail that was lost.