What's on The Workbench

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Haven't got as much done as I wanted the last couple of weeks....workload is out the window, off the charts!

(Completely and utterly useless management doesn't help either!)

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Take it easy, Pal. ;)

More on the P-47 Тандерболт. Sprayed gear wells and gear covers YZC. I thought I would be smart and glue the inner gear covers in place to save paint removal for gluing. I glued one in and let it set hard and then realized that I hadn't sprayed the outside Neutral Grey yet and would be a pain in the keester to try get good coverage with both in place. Not a problem as I need to spray a few Neutral Grey touch-ups; must remember to be like Andy and Gloss coat the bottom to protect it from scratches

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Haven't got as much done as I wanted the last couple of weeks....workload is out the window, off the charts!

(Completely and utterly useless management doesn't help either!)

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Gotta love management! Mine want me to 'NOT leave the front printer!' In the print room. Alot of orders, so running 3 cycle, but one guy is off with Covid, so just day and night running. BUT they want to me to train someone up on the Tampo printer aswell, who in turn has to learn that job AND train someone else up on the job he normally does...
You coukdn't make it up!

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