What's on The Workbench

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Attached the cockpit to the fuselage and I notice after taking the pictures that I lifted some paint on the fuel line; hope I can repair it without removing the fuel line as it was a pain in the keester to install. Added some "dirt" using an AK Interactive weathering pencil but its hard to see and washed with Citadel Agrax Earthshade



This is what I have Evan A4K A4K Only reason I got them was to fill an order to get free shipping but so far I have liked what I see when I use them. Others will likely keep doing what they are use to but I like that they are ready to go at a moments notice, very handy


These are similar to artists colour pencils such as Prismacolor. A nice side by side comparison here.... The Write Stuff? Testing AK Interactive's Weathering Pencils

......and no locating pins and holes on the fuselage. Wings yes, fuselage no. I mean, sometimes they are a bugbear and need to be removed to get the best fit but I would like to be given the option of removing them my self. The cockpit ledge on the left side and the direction finder support do offer some help with lining things up but only slightly. Speaking of direction finder supports, what colour might they be? Both "White 43 and 44" show a dark colour but the instructions and everyone else's builds show RLM76




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