What's your dream job?

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My dream job would pimping out 14 year old little girls to rich Japanese Realtors ...

Does that tell u something about me??? =)
It tells me you like to say outrageous things.

professional lottery winner :thumbright:
Me too!

Gettin' paid to have my **** sucked.
That's a good job

My dream job would be Pope Assassin
Yes, but after doing it, you'd face extrajudicial execution. The Swiss Guard is a formidable organization and others would chase you down to the ends of the earth...
It tells me you like to say outrageous things.

Me too!

That's a good job

Yes, but after doing it, you'd face extrajudicial execution. The Swiss Guard is a formidable organization and others would chase you down to the ends of the earth...
Zipper - you realize you're responding to folks that haven't been here in quite some time?!?! The last post was in 2006!

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