What's your favorite part of the model building process

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What a good question.

I don't like:
- masking,
- not keen on filling and sanding large gaps,
- preparing paint for spraying is a drag
- scribing missing panel lines

I don't mind but don't love doing:
- Panel line and other 'corner' dark washes
- Wheels and other hand painted neat edges
- Glass canopy frames (I hand paint rather mask)
- Applying the tiny decals you'll probably never see again
- Producing a decent display base

I do thoroughly enjoy:
- All research before starting
- All internal work (whether vehicle or aircraft),
- Applying the main decals
- Finishing details, such as a pick axe handle on a tank or the yellow hazard tips on the prop blades
- All weathering, both sprayed mud and rusted/chipped edges
- Virtually all work related to figures

- Placing the finished model on the finished display base for the first time
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1. researching the subject

2. putting that first coat of paint/primer on a scratchbuild or modified model and it looks all uniform and even.

3. that final spray of dullcoat.
I enjoy all facets to a degree some much more than others but i will say that filling, filing and sanding can be a real pain in the a$$ at times as well as some masking jobs....it IS great to remove masks though and see the fruits of your labour!
2. putting that first coat of paint/primer on a scratchbuild or modified model and it looks all uniform and even
Thank God - it wasn't just me then

...filing and sanding can be a real pain in the a$$ at times as well as some masking jobs....it IS great to remove masks though and see the fruits of your labour!
that's the balance-thing, isn't it? It's sometimes the jobs that get a bit onerous/time-consuming that give the most pleasure on completion
I wouldn't worry about it Bill. The more research done, the more info gained, which should lead to a better model. Of course, it can also lead to a lot more work, correcting/modifying/detailing the model !!
I am a fan of research (I've got a degree in historical research, so that's no surprise), I'm usually looking for an unusual color scheme, a little-modelled mark of a well-known type, or more recently, a theme to tie several models together (although I haven't done any 'themed' builds as yet).

I love painting and decals, it's the building and particularly the filling and sanding I find boring and sometimes frustrating...

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