Who is the best actor in a War Movie?

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I don't know who is my favorite, although I like Frank John Hughes for Wild Bill Guarnere. He's pretty funny. I like John Phillip Law in "Von Richthofen and Brown" although it was historically inaccurate.
Neil Dudgeon as moggy in a Piece of Cake
Kirk Douglas in Paths of Glory or Heroes of Telemark
the guy who played Gibson in the Dambusters
Slim Pickens in Dr Strangelove
and just for trivia which actor in The Longest Day was really there
Skiiiiidish ! ( Bitch slap ) deluxe ! Lee Marvin in "The Big Red One" !
Other notables:
Donald Sutherland in "Eye of the Needle" and "The Eagle has Landed"
James Caan in " One Bridge Too Far "
Lot of younguns here me thinks !
I recently bought the directors cut of the Big Red One. Haven't watched it yet, but remember seeing it many years ago.

Who could forget Lee Marvin and Toshio Mifune in Hell in the Pacific. That was a good one too. The ending kinda sucked, but the rest was great.

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