Why this now? Timing out!

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
Why is my connection timing out.
After a time I have to log back in?????
I can't find any settings to prevent this.
Any ideas why?

I think it's just part of the process of keeping the forum log-in uncluttered Bill. It's something I've always accepted and to me a reasonably acceptable security measure.
Been happening to me too over this past week. The only way to 'clear' it seems to be to disconnect, then re-connect. I clear all cookies etc after every session on the 'net, and it isn't happening on any other web site. Not a major problem, but irritating when it happens.
Just a shot in the dark.
Are you remembering to check the "Remember Me" box when you login?

When I forget to check that box the forum logs me out after a few minutes of inactivity.

I'll have to try that........ thanks for the tip

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