Will be in Europe for 3 weeks this Summer

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You'd love Duxford H, but it really needs more than one day to see it all properly, and it's well over an hour out of London at best, and more like three hours by public transport. That means an over-night stay in Cambridge, so RAF Museum Hendon, and the Imperial War Museum at Lambeth are a better bet, and both accessible by 'Tube'.
Mostly around the London area I think I convinced the lady friend to let me go to either Duxford or Hendon

Must see...

Imperial War Museum
Churchhills Bunker
Tower of London

And if you have a chance, go to a Football game. Seeing one in Europe is in a whole other light. I think you will appreciate the game more. Not sure if the Premier League is playing at the moment though. Probably between seasons.

Eat Bangers and Mash
Mushy Peas
Fish and Chips

Walkers Crisps especially Cheddar and Onion
Must see...

And if you have a chance, go to a Football game. Seeing one in Europe is in a whole other light. I think you will appreciate the game more. Not sure if the Premier League is playing at the moment though. Probably between seasons.

Well not if you are in the Sounders fan base. Certainly a rarity in MLS, but is every bit as exciting as any English league game I assure you. We pack in 47,000-57,000 every game. Sounders fans rock!
Well not if you are in the Sounders fan base. Certainly a rarity in MLS, but is every bit as exciting as any English league game I assure you. We pack in 47,000-57,000 every game. Sounders fans rock!

Not argueing with you on that, but overall the MLS is a step behind the British, German, Italian and Spanish leagues.
Thanks for the ideas guys! Today in London we did national gallery (in order to see an aircraft museum I had to concede somewhere), did the Bus tour of London (see where everything is), and we went to Leciester Square...

Other things were going to see are in London are

tower bridge
hms Belfast
London eye
London dungeon
War rooms

I want to climb to the too of the 1666 great fire of London memorial but couldn't find it...also made the mistake of getting the slow train back (stopped everywhere)

Dont' forget St Pauls Harrison. A better view than the eye if you go right up to the very top.
So much history too.
Glad that you are enjoying England.
Ah yes St Paul's we saw on the bus and I said "were going to the top of that" and I believe te fire memorial is near there , could be wrong though
Worth doing Harrison. The Eye is a bit overrated. At least at the very top of St P's you can take your time to look around London.

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