When it was said above that the Spitfire wing was "the best," that is VERY misleading. Best at what? There are certainly fighters that out-turn a Spitfire and there are certainly fighters that are faster and also fighters that can fly slower. Many can out-roll a Spitfire. So the real question of "best" is hard to answer without some narrowing of the mission.
The elliptical planform is supposed to be ideal for production of lift, but VERY little difference can be detected in efficiency between the semi-elliptical planform of the Spitfire and the tapered wing of a Seafang.
You didn't ask about "the best," and we have had enough long threads about that subject anyway (nothing ever gets settled), you asked about the shape as seen from above or below, which is called the wing planform. I have seen a discussion about planform only and a comparison of what can be expected from keeping to a single airfoil and changing the planform, but it has been several years and I can't remember just now exactly where I saw it.
I'll dig around a bit and see if I can find it.
Meanwhile, Drgondog's post above is a great start and gives you a place to start looking.
The elliptical planform is supposed to be ideal for production of lift, but VERY little difference can be detected in efficiency between the semi-elliptical planform of the Spitfire and the tapered wing of a Seafang.
You didn't ask about "the best," and we have had enough long threads about that subject anyway (nothing ever gets settled), you asked about the shape as seen from above or below, which is called the wing planform. I have seen a discussion about planform only and a comparison of what can be expected from keeping to a single airfoil and changing the planform, but it has been several years and I can't remember just now exactly where I saw it.
I'll dig around a bit and see if I can find it.
Meanwhile, Drgondog's post above is a great start and gives you a place to start looking.