WW 2 Axis Color !

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does someone know to give news to me on the staffel identification number of the Uffz Vivroux in the sturmstaffel 1 or at 11/jg3 o'clock?
Yes, it's a 'Gigant.' Could have been caught on the ground, but whatever happened, at least one of the engines was under power at the time, judging by the way the prop blades are bent forward.
Did you notice that the picture of the crash landed fighter was a Spitfire in German markings? The rudder and gun positions in the wings are giveaways.
Did you notice that the picture of the crash landed fighter was a Spitfire in German markings? The rudder and gun positions in the wings are giveaways.


Not sure which photo you are referring to. If you mean the one in the very first post then it is not a crash landed Spit as such. It was captured and transferred to Zirkus Rosarius so that they could test and evaluate it. The Units initial mission was to test allied fighters against Luftwaffe Recce aircraft but then their orders were adjusted slightly giving them the task to visiting frontline staffeln to acquaint luftwaffe pilots with the flight/handling characteristics of the allied aircraft.

By the end of the War the 'Zirkus' had a number of allied aircraft including all the relevant fuels and lubricants to ensure that correct flight characteristics were achieved. Some of the other aircraft held by the Group included P51's B and C although there is talk of a D being i their possession as well as a couple of P47's a P38 and F5E (Recce Version). They also had a Harvard and a couple of Russian types Lagg 3 I think (memory starting to fail). Other types included a non flying Mosquito, a Typhoon, a couple fo Spitfires and a Hurricane or two.

The aircraft were normally kept in their allied paint schemes apart from the undersides which were painted in Yellow and the tail was normally painted yellow too. They also had slightly larger than normal German Markings to deter 'friendly fire' incidents. Some aircraft were repainted a P47 named 'Beetle' immediately springs to mind but most kept their schemes.

To my knowledge they only lost one aircraft to an accident and that was a Typhoon that crashed on take off, killing the pilot.

Hope that is of interest and news to some.


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