WWII colours and camouflage...

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Who do you think had the most colourful aircrafts of the war in terms of camouflage, noseart, victory markings and the likes?
Luftwaffe had some seriously colourful fighters like Hermann Graf's red tulip 109 or Hartmann's black version. Not forgetting those victory markings on the tails....
USAAF their unit markings and their noseart...nuff said!
RAF had their bright moments as well. Maybe not as much freedom as the USAAF regarding noseart etc. but still.
Italians had some good looking camouflage....and badges
Japs and the Russians, some were just, well you know....
The Italians had the coolest camouflage hands down.



hmmmmmmmm not sure about that Jank, Italien camo almost to be similar to the German nf Wellemuster camo-squiggle ..........

yes i agree with Adler the German NF's had a very wide array of suiggles, blotches, angles, netts, dots and free-hand washes plus any colour from robin egg blue - nearly white to blacks in different tones
Similarity indeed. The Germans copied Italian aeronautical camouflage. On a side note, the SS even copied Italian camouflage for some of their uniforms.

See: Regia Aeronatica, Caccia Assalto 1940-1943; Paolo Waldis Marino De Bortoli; La Bancarella Aeronautic - 2002
for the med only, German nfs was created for Euro conditions and done up by ground personell, many adaptations via ingenuity due to the need for complete ground cealment duirng late 44-45. Day fighters in the same catergory

Fallshirmtruppen in Italy did not copy but used ready and available camo cloth and then sewn to required specs as Italy had surrendered. Again the Waffen SS used the same cloth to their own prescribed sewn conditions - the 12th Hitlerjugend being prime in the Normandie campaign as an early example besides the hideous and quite often terribly hot U-boot clothing worn by panzertruppen
On the reverse side, the Italians didn't copy German European NF camo for their opertations in the Med either. The book I cited has a section on unit markings and camouflage. There are certain shapes, patters, shades, colors, etc. that are better camoflage than others and as such, function comes to dictate design.

I didn't know that about the SS uniforms.

On another side note though, the German Navy also adopted Italian camouflage on their warships. (perhaps just the med too?) Not difficult to understand as the Italians were masters at hiding out during the war. :lol:

Battleship Roma, October 1940:

Jank it was a joint effort in many respects, I interviewed Herr Stigler from JG 27 his time in the Med accounts for the co-operation between Italien borned craft/personell and his Geschwader while in Afrika for one on many items- camo, food, life in general besides ops

My first post on this thread was just to point out that Italian camo was the coolest, as in that was my opinion. ("Coolest" is not subject to fact verification, only opinion verification.) It was Erich who took exception saying that he was "not sure about that" (odd, as I am in a better position to know what my own opinion as coolest is) and saying that it looked too similar to German. ??? I agree. Who cares Erich. It's just an opinion. No one is wrong. Right Adler?

Anyway, yes, the Germans did copy Italian camo. I referenced a book that contains a treatment of this subject. So what? Whether Erich wants to say "joint effort" is of no consequence. The Germans also copied Italian engineering on their aerial torpedos which were superior to theirs. Did the Germans engage in a "joint effort" with the Italians in order to engineer improvements in their torpedos? Certainly. Did this involve copying Italian design? Certainly.
That's pretty cool. I'm never sure just how accurate those artist rendered side views are though.

I think the Japanese army also had some cool camo patterns. (again, not sure how accurate this rendition is)

Jank I do care or at least will talk about it, extremes or not, think you may have had a sentance glitch with me and Adler on that one.

yes JG 54 did up some wild stuff so did JG 5 in the winter skies over Finland with white wash camo. JG 300 geezo for a night fighter unit using Bf 109G-6's from all black, to all blue, to blue, black, greens, grays, etc ........ different spinner colors with these camo's.

the Japanese of course used, circles, blotches and stripes of varied thickness to again conceal from dive bombers and US fighters

My first post on this thread was just to point out that Italian camo was the coolest, as in that was my opinion. ("Coolest" is not subject to fact verification, only opinion verification.) It was Erich who took exception saying that he was "not sure about that" (odd, as I am in a better position to know what my own opinion as coolest is) and saying that it looked too similar to German. ??? I agree. Who cares Erich. It's just an opinion. No one is wrong. Right Adler?

What do you think I was saying...
I thought that you were getting on my case about the thread just being about opinions and that therefore, no one's opinions were properly the subject of criticism. (your post appeared directed at me for some reason)

I was just pointing out that the first person to take issue with another's opinion on this subject was in fact Erich who questioned the validity of my opinion.

Anyway, let's move on. I overreacted.
you must have read my post wrong then Jank as you are confused I never questioned your validity at all............you gave an opinion with a link and I gave you mine performed through interviews of several ex-Luftwaffe ground crewmen, pilots and other members of the branch

Med camo on a ship hunting Ju 88 ............... Italien copy or ? in regards to the theater both of these Allies together used the meander camo to the best effect

Erich, with all due respect, my very first post on this thread stated, "The Italians had the coolest camouflage hands down." I then included two pictures. That was the entirety of my post.

Your very first post, in response to mine stated, "hmmmmmmmm not sure about that Jank, Italien camo almost to be similar to the German" (apparently making the point that it was really German in origin?)

Now you say, "I never questioned your validity at all............you gave an opinion with a link and I gave you mine performed through interviews of several ex-Luftwaffe ground crewmen, pilots and other members of the branch"

Huh? I gave an opinion on what was "coolest" with two pictures. How exactly was your response, directed at me, that you were "not sure about that" (that being that Italian camo was the "coolest") not taking issue with my opinion?

Adler is right, "Who cares... Its all an opinion. No one is wrong."
I disagreed with your opinion I did not doubt your validity, sorry but there is difference.

no matter post some "cool" camo and get on with it

NF's and Ju 88 bombers with Bf 110G-4's in the background left in Denmark ....pic courtesy from RDAF


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