
  1. S

    Washed up North Sea... DO 217 tyre?

    Hi, I’ve discovered after recent storms a German Continental tyre, which I believe may be from a downed Dornier 217. The markings are 4308944-2AS, BF47 1200x420 with the original (first) Continental logo. I think it may be from a DO217, but any other ideas? Is the tyre manufacture date 1943 or...
  2. MikroMir (МикроМир) 1/48 kits of the soviet UT-1 training/ aerobatic plane.

    Being looking around the net I have found a couple of MicroMir (МикроМир) 1/48 kits of the soviet UT-1 ( Яковлев УТ-1 ) training/aerobatic plane. All kits are of the same set of sprues basically. Also there is a PE set included. The differences are just decal markings and the PE sets ( depending...
  3. G

    Been lurking for months, finally glad to join the community

    Hello, everyone! I have been fascinated with aviation since I was young. I've tried to read any books about aircraft that I could find in the house or school, back then. Right now, I've become more interested in WW2 aircraft than ever. My first flight sims were MiG Alley and Enemy Engaged...
  4. So you want to be a B29 engine mechanic?

    I found this in a railroad group of all the things. Vignette-5
  5. Churchill's secret

    I found this in a scrap book from 1946 when it was safe to reveal some wartime secrets.
  6. A problem with the Manage Attachment window

    I have found the trouble with the Manage Attachment window while trying to use it for uploading. Its layout looks like a mess. There is a problem with adjusting to the window size methinks. It looks fine while the window is the large type. Anybody else...? Please check on that.
  7. G

    Do 217 part?

    Greetings! I'm trying to identify this aircraft part that I found on former German airfield in Czech Republic. There was also a black lacquered cover from Do 217, which leads me to the believe that it comes from Do 217 too. IMG_9838_zpsanwbaqbd.jpg Photo by Giftmacher | Photobucket...
  8. S

    Unknown airplane crashes

    Hi everyone, My name is Marius from Roumania. This week I found about where a plane crashed in WW2. I was at the site, and I found a lot of debris, but no identifiable. I also found someone a few pieces that were found at the crash site with many years ago. My request to you is if you can...
  9. The Final Countdown

    I like this movie, I always thought of the fights between the Mitsubishi Zero and the F-14 were fun. Even though its not very realistic, I found it fun entertainment. Any others out there like this movie?
  10. First production ME262 found

    Just stumbled across while I was meant to be working... Remnants of the first production Me-262 Excavated in The Netherlands
  11. Nazi treasure train found?

    Possibly...... WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Two men in Poland claim they have found a legendary Nazi train that according to local lore was loaded with gold, gems and valuable art and vanished into a system of secret tunnels as the Germans fled advancing Soviet forces at the end of World War II...
  12. Nazi gold train found ?

    If Wojtek and Domanik go missing, you know where they've gone ! :lol: Nazi gold train 'found in Poland' - BBC News
  13. T

    Propellor blade found

    Hi, A friend of my found a propellor blade in the Netherlands. I did some searching and the text on it is Czech. I did some more research and it looks like its coming from AVIA propellor (V20). I also searched what planes crashed there in WW2, A Vickers Wellington MK X crashed around there...
  14. J

    Kocherigin DI-6

    The Kocherigin DI-6 was a two-seat biplane fighter with retractable landing gear. Experimental were the aeroplane "21" this was a version with fixed landing gear. I only found pictures with skies. Who can tell me more about this version? Has it also flowen with wheel landing gear and are...
  15. J

    G3M Nell with armor?

    Hello everyone, I found this picure on the internet: The link from where I have found it just says it is a picture from a G3M bomber. If it's in fact a Nell, what caught my attention is that the aircraft appears to have an armored windshield, and I'm not aware of the Nell or at...
  16. B

    albemarle pilot notes upload

    Hi Found this cheers Jerry
  17. "That's All Brother" D Day C-47 Being Restored By The CAF

    Found this today, great story and a truly historic "Gooney Bird". Commemorative Air Force raising $75,000 to move ‘plane that led D-Day invasion’ to Dallas | | Dallas Morning News
  18. Missing US helicopter in Nepal found

    I'm sure you all have been following the earthquakes in Nepal. Recently, a U.S. helicopter went missing. Well, they found it, sadly there looks to be like no survivors. Nepal earthquake: Survivors 'unlikely' after US helicopter crash - BBC News
  19. M

    Radio range

    Hello! Does anyone happen to know the general range of radios for fighters in the early part of the war along the Eastern front? (Yak-1 range would be even more perfect, after they started installing them in 1942, obviously :) ). I've found a few different specs on radios in general, but there...
  20. Your Military Surplus/Heirlooms/Etc.

    A while ago I was searching for something to keep that would always remind me of my Grandaddy Bill Bounds military career, when I found M1 helmets online. I have an old picture of him before his First Jump (see below) where the helmet is marked "341" so I figured I would buy it and paint it up...