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No problem - looking forward to the next installment.
I've got some good cockpit shots of the Duxford Hurricane, if you need them for detail work. It's a Canadian-built version though, so some minor differences, mainly the seat and small details.
Just discovered this. Great work. very impressive and very ambitious. Have a question...how are you going to lift it out of your yard?

ive never even attempted anything like this, but with regard to the weight, could you not use lighter weight timber or epoxy? not quite the strength, but do you need a strong rudder?
Airframes: That would be great...
Parsifal: I am building it in my garden then transporting it to a local museum so they can use it to help with donations. It will unbolt into 6 pieces. Front cowling (engine compartment and prop), main fuselage to 3/4 along the back, tail section, centre wing section with undercarriage and the 2 main wing sections. It should all fit onto a standard recovery truck albeit a couple of trips
Today I have removed the screen and canopy. Seems, as airframes rightfully said, the screen isn't the right shape due to me mixing up a few calculations. The canopy although being the right size and shape is now being stripped down and I will be making a metal version. The wood one just isn't strong enough. The section forward of the gunsight now has an aluminium skin really for the new metal screen to be fitted once made. Hopefully, pics tmz and also some alloy sheeting on the sides to enclose the cockpit top section.
Every time I see an update to this project it makes me grin. I'm very impressed with your determination in taking something like this on...

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