1/32 Hasegawa Fw 190D-9 "Black One"

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Thanks guys! Sorry for missing your questions Wojtek! Yes, per Andy... the coolant tank is hollow on the side that will not be visible through the wheel well.

That looks great John, nice work! What metalizer paints are you using?
Thanks Kirby! For the engine plug area, I used decanted Tamiya AS-12 for the lighter metallic shade and a mixes of Alclad Gun Metal and Aluminum for darker shades.
Thanks for checking in! A short update for ya'll. A quick dry-fit check of the engine plug to see what is visible.

After the dry-fit, the last few wires are added to the engine plug... it's complete!

Another dry-fit to check on the brass ammo chutes.

The exhaust backing plates are glued into the fuselage insides. I check the fit of the exhaust pipes at this time. I love the look of the hollowed out pipe ends.

And before I forget, I replace the circular rivets on the bottom of one of the wings.

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The DF loop antenna has been cut off and replaced with a thin strip of soda can.

The horizontal tail surfaces have been riveted.

The wheel well insert has been completed. Nothing has been added here... just careful painting and a dark wash to dirty it up.

Dry-fitting of the wheel well shows how it will look with the completed engine plug.

The fuselage piece between the wheel wells covers up the engine detail a little bit but I'm glad you can still see a good deal of it.

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Thanks for the comments! In preparation of putting together the fuselage sides, I glued the engine plug into the starboard fuselage.

While I let that cure, I bit the bullet and riveted the bottom wing piece, which is the biggest riveting job of the build.

I know that the rivets don't show up very well in these photos but trust me, they are there. My rivet driving has suffered over the past year and I had some serious wobbles that needed to be corrected.

By now, the two fuselage halves have been joined.

Checking to see how the gun cowling fits... very nicely thank you!

The resin instrument hood is placed and it looks like an ok fit as well.

I'm also checking the fit of the cockpit tub but not yet ready to glue it into place.

As a final check, I've placed the clear parts into position. Keep in mind that this is a bit like a house of cards with multiple parts held by gravity only so the gaps and overhangs you see will be greatly reduced once the glue comes into play. All in all, the fit is looking very good.

My next major step will be to secure the cockpit into place and then cut/fit the rear portion of the decking from the kit cockpit tub.
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