1/32 Hasegawa Fw 190D-9 "Black One"

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Ok... so the exhaust pipes have been repaired and repainted. Black base first and then a coat of Alclad Steel. I misted on some Alclad Exhaust Manifold over that. But this time, I decided to add some rust-colored accents by dry-brushing a red/brown mix onto the pipes. As a final touch, I spot sprayed highly thinned black to darken the exhaust tips and to tone down the red/brown. Photographed over black construction paper captures the color better than the white background.

I appreciate your response, yes I can see the photos, they will be very useful and reference. Thank you very much.

Now with regard to these exhaust pipes ... they were awesome, ... they look real.
I'm still present.
Thanks guys! I just spent a few hours restoring all of the pictures in this thread. I felt it worthwhile since this is a current and ongoing build but I just can't imagine doing to any other posts of mine.
Thanks guys! I just spent a few hours restoring all of the pictures in this thread. I felt it worthwhile since this is a current and ongoing build but I just can't imagine doing to any other posts of mine.

Although I have not lost this process and learning the content is very interesting, how nice that you recovered the photos.
As long as you consider some other thread that are of your preference, they will always be reference material in the future. (As happened to me when enjoying your P-51 thread, and now that I start building one, it was a shame not to find the photos !!)

Saludos amigo

I understand and yes, it is a shame for many message board threads to have suddenly lost their photo content. It would be difficult and time-consuming to restore my build threads here. One thing that makes restoration difficult is how the Edit feature works at WW2Aircraft.Net. Depending on the message board software, the Edit feature will either list the URL of the photograph or show it as a thumbnail. If the Editor lists the URL, I can use the photo filename to help me identify which photo is missing. If the Editor shows thumbnails, all I see is the blue Photobucket warning image and I don't have a good enough memory to remember which photo goes where. I was able to rebuild this Dora thread because I had posted this build on another message board, one whose Editor lists the URL of photos. I was able to repair that thread and it was a (relatively) simple process of copying and pasting posts here. I have even more photo posts on my fishing message board. In all, over 11,000 photos on two Photobucket accounts that now have broken links.

If I have the time, I may simply provide a link to my photobucket account at the start of each thread. It's not a perfect solution but at least it would give people an opportunity to view photos of the build.
I thought I would have more time this morning than I actually had. I was planning on starting the painting on the Henri Daehne props but could only manage a few preliminary steps before being called out on errands.

Before I start painting, I wanted to glue the prop components together in such a way to make painting easier. What I did deviates from the order of the instructions but I have played around with these components enough to know that this shouldn't pose a problem.

Henri recommends using epoxy glue to attach the three blade mounts to the prop shaft hub. This makes sense since they need to be inserted at a prescribed angle. Two-part epoxy doesn't set immediately so it will make the necessary adjustments easier than if I were to use CA glue.

Using the alignment diagram that Henri provides, I glue each of the blade mounts to the hub.

By the time this dries, it should be strong enough to accept the prop blades and the slight twisting that will be required to get the prop angle correct. The plan is to glue the hub cap onto the hub and then paint the four sub-components separately: prop blades, spinner backing plate, propeller hub assembly and spinner.
Thanks guys!

The prop hub cap has been glued on. I've put a mask on the prop backplate so that I get a secure glue bond after painting.

Preliminary painting on the prop components. The VS111 prop blades on the Dora were made of wood so I am laying down a base of brown. The hub and backing have been given a base layer of black. I've preshaded the spinner using a black mottle pattern.

The Eagle Cal decal sheet has a decal for the spinner spiral but I think a painted spiral looks better. So I'm going to use a photocopy of the decal sheet to cut a mask of the spiral. I've laid a patch of clear frisket paper over the decal.

The mask is carefully cut out using an x-acto blade and scissors. It's tricky to cut the spiral with smooth curves so slight corrections will probably have to be made after painting.

The spinner is given a coat of white.

That's all I had time for this weekend before other commitments took over. I'll resume the prop painting in a few days!

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