1/32 Hasegawa Fw 190D-9 "Black One"

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Thanks guys! Now that the spinner painting has been complete, I can finally start moving on. The spinner is given a gloss coat in preparation of the pastel wash.

While the gloss coat is drying, I decided to paint the flap exteriors and drop tank. They will be same color (RLM76).

The spinner is given a liquid pastel wash to highlight the rivets. A flat coat seals the pastel wash and serves as a base for some dry pastels. I've added some chipping using colored pencils. The spinner's shiny finish needs to be cut down a bit.

It's time to join the wings to the fuselage. Tamiya Extra Thin cement is used here one section at at time. Fit is pretty good but there are some areas that will need some putty work.

A view from the bottom, revisiting the wheel well and engine details as it gets blocked off by the wing assembly.

After giving the spinner another light flat coat, I stuck it onto the prop assembly to check the fit. I've not yet completed the weathering on the spinner just yet.

Finally, here's the drop tank painted with RLM76 and given a gloss coat prior to decals.
I totally agree with everyone.
It's amazing work on the wheel well and engine.
This is surprising John.

Saludos campeón.
Thanks guys! I'm very happy with how the Dora is turning out. I feel like it is a step above Yellow 11, which I also enjoyed working on. Life is going to pull me away from the Black 1 for a period of time however. I have a two-day tuna fishing trip that I leave for on Friday evening. And then the whole family is going to be driving up to San Francisco the weekend after to send my daughter away to college. I'm very close to painting but that probably won't be starting for another 2-3 weeks due to my schedule.
Leaving for my fishing trip on Friday so I'm only doing small things on the Dora this week.

Here's a closer view of the starboard wing root joint that needs attention. I used a piece of sprue fused with Tamiya Extra Thin cement to fill the visible gap. The panel including the bulge on the wing is the one piece access cover for the wing guns so the joint at the wing root needs to be completely eliminated.

A look at the joint on the fuselage bottom. You can see the white sliver of sheet plastic that I used as a shim. After the joint is cleaned up, I'll finish up the rivets on this small portion of fuselage bottom.

This small piece between the wheel well openings is now ready to be glued into place. First I want to secure the ammo chutes so I dab some Elmer's White Glue around the joint.

I then put the wing piece into place and allow the ammo chutes to dry in the final position. The incessant dry-fitting has scraped away some paint on the ammo chutes as well as the ammo container. Once the white glue is dry, I'll remove the piece and fix the paint scrapes.

I can now glue that final wing piece into place. Note the two holes along the centerline. These need to be drilled out beforehand if you are planning to mount the centerline drop tank.

Speaking of drop tank, I decided to put some dents on my already painted drop tank. The paint was wiped off and I added a few dings using a Dremel.

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