1/32 Hasegawa ME Bf109G-6 II/JG52 Hptm. Gerhard Barkhorn - Me/ Fw Group Build

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Thank's guy's Terry got your e-mail thanks. Wayne decals will be sent out this week. on a sad note my brother n law was killed due to a car accident on Tue. been try ing help my sis with anything she needed they where marrid 20 yrs 2 kid's 16 and 17.

well this is how it's looking more color and taping.

Man, sorry to hear this terrible news, condolences to you and your family....

Do you want time to finish considering your circumstances, or let it go? We sincerely understand if you want to put you're build on hold...
Thank you all. Wayne thank's for the offer of extra time there's a quite alot to do yet so i will finnish it in the start to finnish build's or how ever you would like to do it.
Really sorry to hear the sad news Jerry, condolences to the family.
Just finish it in this thread, when you're ready, keeping the thread going as normal.
Thank you all so much. i have done a little work not much though finished the I.P. ready to install pictures soon.
Sorry to hear it.
been slowly getting back to the table I.P. installed and windscreen a little sanding and taping and more paint.


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