1/32 Tamiya Corsair II, 1836 Sqd, FAA

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Very well done that engine Cory!! (I use the same technique on 1/48 with acceptable results )
I like what has been achieved so far.

Luis Carlos
Sorry for the delayed thanks guys!

Painting has begun. I've painted the bottom using a mix of Sky and Sky Gray (mostly the Gray), and the top using Tamiya Field Gray, using Andy's colours for the top. Interestingly enough, when I went to your thread to check the colours gain, you painted yours exactly two years ago today. I haven't done the Dark Sea Gray yet, that will have to wait until tomorrow. Not the best photo but I just grabbed a quick one with my phone.

Well, wait no more!

The day started off negatively as I apparently had the removable part of the cowling on upside down yesterday when I sprayed. Oops! Wouldn't have been a big deal except I had run out of the mix for the bottom colour and I had made some more that didn't quite match and had painted the gear with it.

But I sprayed the EDSG using Andy's mix of Dark Sea Gray 3:2 Field Blue, and then resprayed the areas with Field Grey (which is green, so who knows where they get the names from). I then went back and managed to re-match the bottom colour by using the extremely scientific method of dumping a bunch of Sky Grey into it and getting lucky quickly. Camo's all done, but now I need to mask and spray the walkways (which probably should have been first, but here we are...)

Thanks guys! Ran into a small issue where some MicroSol took some paint off. I touched it up but it looks bad, not sure what to do. Maybe once I weather it it'll tone down some.

I may have already asked this, but I'm too lazy to go back through the thread to look. What would be the best way to do the tape over the gun ports and ejection holes? White decals?
What a pity that setback with of the lifted paint. I have some suggestions (hope I have understood correctly and you understand me too! ... ...)

We do not know how large the affected area and if little, 1) you can make a chipping with a bit of paint aluminum. And with the weathering the appearance is disguised it.
If you feel necessary repaint ... 2) you can use small rolls of blotting paper or napkin with white glue and glued to paint freely. Or, ... 3) if you have mask liquid or Micro Kristal Clear and a stick, you can cover the area of gun ports and holes ejection ... pretend like when windows in commercial aircraft airlines.

I hope you find them useful and / or wait another good suggestion that colleagues can offer.

Buena suerte y saludois cordiales

Luis Carlos

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