1/32 Tamiya P-51D CALIF NG 1950"s

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
A long time ago, I started this build, but failed to post it, correcting that now.
In the 50's I lived in San Lorenzo California, a two minute bike ride from my grandmothers home, I was living with my grandparents.
So I used to hoik out to the hangars, the guys were real good to me. I watched the Mustangs with great interest.
The control tower as on top of a great Quonset hut hangar. To me it was as high as these guys could fly.
To get there a ladder attached to the inside of the hangar got me to a platform on the outside of the building.
Then I had to climb another ladder curved with the arced roof. But when I got inside the tower! Wow.
That was maybe 70 or so years ago, it's like yesterday. They gave me binoculars as big as myself to watch the planes come in from the east,
out Tracy way where the airspace is still a practice area for student pilots, like me when I was 48 learning to fly a Cessna 150D.

I digress.
So this is a photo of one of them, my subject.
Looks like this was taken over Dublin, San Ramon area. Mt Diablo under his little black practice bomb.
Picture from the internet, probably a promotional shot for the news papers.

I want to have a pilot at the controls, in a banking turn to port, gear coming up, the pilot looking up and left.
I tend to build Nothing Out of the Box, this one is no different!
Photos to follow.
So now for the pilot, ugh!
Had to scarf of a lot of this back pack chute to get him sitting back in the seat.
Fractured the control stick to get it back and left for the port takeoff turn.
Used the head of another figure, smaller head gear, New face without mask as well.
Got good detail in the radio area, happy with that. Ignorance is bliss they say.

Nope, he doesn't have to go Potty!

On the shoulder I had to ruff file a lot to pull his arm up.
Cut his lower arm off and changed the angle to get a grip on his stick......
So far all is working!
Now comes the biggass surprise!
This is what I want the gear coming up to look like! However.....................

This is what is happening................ ARRRRRRRRRGH
Seems the gear leg does NOT pivot in an arc, it has to come INboard as well to get th gear in the hole!!!
How do I do that????????????????? I ask, but get no answer from myownself. Cogitation time.

And if you think the gear swings IN to the hole think again.
Kit gear legs are compressed by the weight of the plane when not flying.
It requires somewhere in the neighborhood of 10mm extra length added to the strut to get the wheel where it belongs!!
This worked out well. I'm painting parts rather than when all assembled, So I made a slot out of the Hole supplied.
Now I can put the tail on or take it off when needed.

And the seam suffers naught! Tail wheel is retracting with the main gear!

More will come when I get main gear sorted.
Gorgeous! The Idaho ANG had P-51s also.
Most states did have the "D" to start with, some had the later "F".
Here's the 194th ANG hangar and the perilous route to the top of the world,
for an 8/9 year old!

It's a municipal AP now. I used to fly with a banner guy and he would pick-up banners here for the Oakland A's games and treks around the S.F. bay area in the early 90's when I was learning to fly. 1,000 ft, low and slow. Often got warnings of being Too Low..... "check your altimeter settings please"..... Roger that!
So here's a page from the P-51D manual.

Another little thing I have to account for, or Alter!
The gear door is Not attached to the top of the gear leg.
It's actually attached to the wing by little hangers and a pin.
I am lucky in the I have two Spare legs and doors as I had lost some parts
and the importer charged me 25 bucks to get a a sprue, which
is now coming in handy as I can replace both and get the swing oriented!
Okay more Alterations!!!!
So, where the red arrow is I added a piece of styrene for the Arms of the gear door for gluing
as the pin holes supplied just aren't in the correct location for pivoting.

I filed off the top locating pin meant for the gear leg, which in reality doesn't mount To the gear leg.
I added the top Rod to mount in the wing under the access cover for the gear leg.
Also added a couple of lumps to glue to the Pivot point on the gear legs.

I then thinned the little corner to match the thickness of the cover.
This is where the rod at the top of the gear Door will be attached.
Then All will be Swell!!!! A lot of fiddling for maybe not much of a payoff?!
But it's done.

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