1/48 Blackburn Buccaneer of 800 NAS or No. 15 Squadron RAF Carrier Aircraft GB...

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Adult to Pirate-dressed trick or treater: "Wow, are you a Pirate?"
Trick or treater: "Yup"
Adult: "Where are your Buccanears?"
Trick or Treater: "Right here on the side of my Buckin' head!"
I know that it's RAF but.....

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz3ECzpu6CQ

Some more RN...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kixKzlVDorE

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv8prm4mGEQ

Was going to post another video as well, but after reading, I couln't watch the video myself and decided not to post it here!

'Trapped Pilot Drowns in Sinking Cockpit (1958) - Captured on Camera. The aircraft piloted by Commander J D Russell coming in to land on HMS Victorious in the Solent, Hampshire, it touches down, hooks onto the arrester wires and the plane then rolls along the deck. A rescue helicopter lowers a man down to try and help Commander Russell. But the waves lap over the cockpit and the aircraft sinks'

Think that it's a Scimitar...

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I'm still in Sweden, back in town (Glasgow) this Friday (I hope), so I'll get cracking this weekend.... Have a few ideas how to deal with this bird...
Ah Ha! Help with locating the fuselage halves. Remember to check the fore and aft alignment though, as it's bl**dy awful !!
Better invest in a set of new, super-tough files, a lifetime supply of wet n' dry, and a tanker full of filler too ! Oh, and a special plastic welding machine - I think the fuselage parts are made from Kevlar reinforced Teflon !
Better believe what Mr Fox says chaps! I thought for a while that fuselages wasn't the same length and wings....!
Post pics in a wee bit, to show!

Btw, plan to use a AM cockpit, as the one coming with the kit is, how should I put this gently old boy?

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