1\48 Do 335 A12

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Not satisfied with how this thing looked i had to do some work on the panel lines. I did a smudge wash of acrylic black, after having to apply it many times i ended up with a lot of wash dried on the plane. I began to get scared if it i could get it all off. I ened up using and a very fine ebrasive cleaning pad with windex to remove the wash. Which in the end gave me a look on the paint i liked, beat and slightly faded.Very smooth for decals too. The brown thinned and smoothed from how boring it was yesterday. What black that remained from the preshade and some from wash i blended with the airbrush using a little fresh 81 ,82 on the panels. Heres where im going to future her, and then decal. After thats done ill do a little more wash on decals and areas maybe with enamel , exhaust stains . I like it a lot more than i did yesterday .
I like the look of that. I've never been able to do a satisfying panel wash using acrylics, even trying to thin with Windex. The wash in the panel lines always seems to dry clear in the center with dark edges. Thinned artist oils seem to be the favoured choice.
Your very right Andy! i have been having that problem lately but whats odd is i used to get good results. im not sure how the heck that could be but i used to love this way, i used to use charcoal but found it suited for only certain effects. I never tried artist oils , lately i have been using enamels thinned, but no matter what you thin them with you run the risk of taking paint off... which is what future helps with but i was worried i would lose panel lines to the future in a few areas. After decals i will use some form of enamel mixes . should be enough future on there to do some selective enamel washes. Exhaust stains are whats going to make or break me. This particular bird had some big ones.
Here she is with decals. Not very many on this build, went pretty fast. Tamiya decals are pretty thick and i used micro sol to try and settle them down some as usual. Not very lucky at all when i build models i must say! Tonights misery started with trying to fix one silver panel on the bottom of the rear engine air intake... ending up fixing a decal, and a few other spots because of trying to fix stuff that i should of just left alone! but as usual trying to fix something i create more stuff to fix!!!!! oh well its all fixed now so i can frickin move on to landing gear, a little more weathering like exhaust and some more washes. hopefully tomorrow you will see her with everything done except canopies.
I plan on putting a bomb in the bombay of this thing even though it was a trainer, my theory is they would have practiced bombing or would have tried to practice it in a plane that was meant to be a fighter bomber. Anyone have any opinions on putting a bomb in the bomb bay ? Also Im still looking into if A12s retained their maching guns...
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Thanks vic! Im trying every time i have a model go good it poops on me right at the end! seems like decal time a hair or booger gets in the future and i start messing with it... Something it never fails how sterile i try to keep it. Heres a link to a DO 335 video pretty neat footage of it taking off, flying and landing. There are a lot of good videos on this site from all topics, Its like you tube but better because its not censored for content (not like porno stuff!) meaning stories the liberal corporate media wont spend time on. I always find cool war footage. bad drivers.Its all their . LiveLeak.com - Dornier Do-335 boo to the liberal media ruining countries one mind at the time. cant say enough bad things about the media!
Heres what i got done in the past day two day... a rough summary in words and pictures. After decals i gave the model a thin shot of flat clear coat. A little more wash in places. Then came all the small bits. I painted props silver , gear and bay doors silver and RLM 02, painted gear legs and components 02, detailed oleos with silver, an oil wash for doors and gear. props and spinners where then painted RLM 70. Prop collars where detailed with silver and a black wash as well. Next i scratched the spinners and props up a bit and used masking to do a few paint chips. wheels are basic black , then i used a slightly gray brown black mix thinned down just on the rubber part of the tire, a little silver dry brush on the wheel only. Basic weathering and detailing on the small parts then assembled them all and put them on the model. All of this went pretty easy everything fits like a dream and is pretty well detailed in my opinion. Real small bits like gunsight, lights in wing tips and leading edge where painted and glass fairing installed.Painted machine guns in upper cowling. close up is of them not painted. Canopies where masked and painted RLM 66 first, then RLM 82 , then flat coated. After These where untaped i cleaned them up with windex and futured the inside of canopies. I used RLM 66 to frame out all inside edges of canopies. For the picture they are just resting in place because not sure if i want them open or closed ... not sure what im going to do.No matter how good the pit looks i usually like the look of everything closed up. All thats left to do is exhaust pipes and exhaust stains, when im happy with them ill put on pitot tube and DF loop antenna . I think i will be done and ready to post complete. I Also have a pic of all the canopies masked up before framing and clear parts on sprue have to upload tomorrow to this post too tired to go back now load and resize.
When finished ill take better pictures outside in daylight for better resolution pics. most in progress shots are hasty and using flash because of the late hours im usally working on the model.
Again pictures loaded out of order and when i go to advanced setting to move my attached images it loads a blank page so that sucks they are all out of order... sorry guys.

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Looking very good indeed.
When you select each pic, then upload, they should then appear as 'thumbnails' in the box below the latest, previously posted selected set of pics.
If the pics are not in the required order, they can be dragged into place, in this box, using the mouse, before clicking 'Done'.
Thanks airframes i think something is wrong with my laptops configuration or something when click link to modify my images it loads a blank window ... mods if you can delete the gray screwed up picture for me i would appreciate it. i can handle them being out of order you guys get the idea. Im gonna experiment with my settings some detail seems to be getting lost somewhere in the process. Andy told me about resizing methods on photoshop where you dont lose resolution i need to mess with it i think. Thanks for looking ill make sure my final pics are better quality.

Here is one more pic mainly to see if they all are losing some sharpness or just some. anyways her goes.
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It certainly does look good.
The easiest way to post the pics, after re-sizing, is to click on the 'Attachments' icon, in the tools bar at the top of the box which shows when 'Go Advanced' has been selected. You will then get a window with the box titled 'Upload Manager', which should show previously uploaded files, and have a box marked 'Add Files' at the top, right hand corner.
Click on this, and you should then see your files menu.
Select each pic as required and, when done, click on the upload files.
You should then see a blue bar 'expanding' across the lower section of the box, showing the files being uploaded. Once all have uploaded, they will appear as thumbnails in the box below all the previously uploaded images - this might take a few seconds.
If they are out or order, they can then be dragged into the required order, using the mouse, and then, when satisfied, click on 'Done'.
Re-sizing using Photoshop, Irfanview or a similar editing system shouldn't compromise image quality, unless, of course, only a very small area of the complete image is cropped and selected, when this will then depend on the size and quality of the original image.
Hope this helps.
Thanks airframes I appreciate it . Next time I upload ill try a few of your pointers also im going to try another camera that I have they are all 8 megapixel but I think the settings need some adjusting I hate trying to use the photo editors to "fix" lighting and sharpness issues.It always comes out worse than when I started. Thanks too Vaughan for the kind words . Complete pic will be done soon .
Hi Jason. First off, I really love what you've done with this model. Looks fantastic and you have me leaning toward doing all my LW birds in the stash now.

Regarding the photo editing, if you're using Photoshop Editor 8 like me, I resize my pics by opening the image in the editor, then going to "Image" => "Resize" => "Image Size" and plug in 800 pixels for width. Then "File" => "Save As" and after creating a file name with a jpeg extension, I get a "Jpeg Options" box. Select Quality 5 "Medium" and it should save as a decent quality pic wth very low file size ( I average about 70kB).

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