It certainly does look good.
The easiest way to post the pics, after re-sizing, is to click on the 'Attachments' icon, in the tools bar at the top of the box which shows when 'Go Advanced' has been selected. You will then get a window with the box titled 'Upload Manager', which should show previously uploaded files, and have a box marked 'Add Files' at the top, right hand corner.
Click on this, and you should then see your files menu.
Select each pic as required and, when done, click on the upload files.
You should then see a blue bar 'expanding' across the lower section of the box, showing the files being uploaded. Once all have uploaded, they will appear as thumbnails in the box below all the previously uploaded images - this might take a few seconds.
If they are out or order, they can then be dragged into the required order, using the mouse, and then, when satisfied, click on 'Done'.
Re-sizing using Photoshop, Irfanview or a similar editing system shouldn't compromise image quality, unless, of course, only a very small area of the complete image is cropped and selected, when this will then depend on the size and quality of the original image.
Hope this helps.