1/48 Grumman Avenger TBF-1C - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Sounds like you've a little problem Jan, would that be right!!
Had a wee bit of a shock, horror moment earlier....where the f... is the turret??
Looking everywhere on the table, nowhere to be seen....found it on the floor, still in one piece! (pheeeew!) Gonna handle that contraption as little as possible....

Anyway, just the gun to be painted now....

How's this then...?

Good stuff Jan.
Mike, the gun was mounted to one side, as there wasn't enough space to have it mounted in-line with the gunner's seat, which would have meant a much larger turret. It's rather like the design of, say, a B-17 or B-25 top turret, where the guns are mounted either side of the central seat and sight, but with only one gun. Again, not enough room for twin guns.
Terry, thanks, I spent some time and looked this up on line. Actually found a complete gunner's manual. Getting in and out, controls, etc. Did not realize that it was a power ball turret mount
Just thinkin........
it would be fun to have the canopy open, and a maintenance man standing in the well to the right of the pilot seat!!!
I had a ride in one, and I'm 6' and could stand on the walkway next to the pilot. It's a bigg@ss bird that!

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