Thanks chaps, and I think I'm starting to win the fight. The model is getting very close to the painting stage, with both wing tanks fitted, along with the nav lamps and the nose blister.
PICS 1 and 2. After fitting the port tank, I was still very dubious about the drain plug, and what I presume is supposed to be a water test valve, on the underside of the tanks, which protruded very noticeably. A quick study of reference pics showed that these items, if indeed they were present, were at least flush with the tank surface, so they were shaved off and lightly sanded, leaving just a ghost impression.
PIC 3. The navigation lamps were drilled, and the holes filled with the appropriate color for each side - red to port, and blue-green to starboard, only just visible here. The fit wasn't very good, so the joints have been filled with PVA which, once painted, will have another bead of PVA added, and then the sealing strips painted in black.
PICS 4 and 5. The nose blister is designed to be virtually a push-fit, but if fitted this way, due to the locating lugs, the blister is slightly off center. The top and bottom lugs were filed down, and the starboard side double lug modified, to allow the blister to be properly aligned. After masking, the blister was fitted, and liquid cement run around the joint, which was then sealed with PVA before painting the interior colour on the frames.
There's a couple of small jobs to do before the painting stage and, as the model will be painted in Xtracolor 'PRU Blue' gloss enamel, a primer coat of a mid grey shade will be sprayed first, and allowed to dry for at least 12 hours. I'm hoping to get the primer done, at least, some time over the weekend, and also prime the FB.VI.
Thanks again for looking in, and I'll post another up-date over the weekend.