<-- 1/48 Mosquito PR.IX -Twin Engined Aircraft WWII

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Thanks chaps.
I haven't finished the port cowling yet - had a massive headache, so had a lie down for a few hours.
Hopefully, it'll be done, and the wing, tail planes and wing tanks fitted by tomorrow evening.
Got the port cowling done.
Sand back the paint, add the two small vents and the access hatches tomorrow, then fit the wing, wing tanks and tail planes.

Thanks Wayne and Wojtek.
Got the cowlings finished, including the added details, the starboard wing and both tail planes fitted, and about to work on the wing tanks.
There's a bit of filling to do on the starboard wing root, but not as bad as the port wing. Pics soon.
Pics as promised.

PIC 1. The access hatches and vents for the coolant tank and intercooler header tank have been added, the vents made from shaped plastic rod, which await final sanding in this shot. The rough appearance of the hatches is just where I first scraped the paint away, after sanding it down.
PICS 2 and 3. The starboard wing had a gap at the front of the root, and a narrower gap along the fuselage. These have been filled with stretched sprue, melted into the gaps, and await sanding here. The remaining, very narrow gap, will be filled with PVA before spraying the primer, as will a similar gap on the tail plane on this side..
PICS 4 and 5. The Airfix kit includes 100 gallon tanks for the B./PR XVI, but the PR.IX mostly used the smaller of the three sizes available, the 50 gallon version, which fitted snugly under the wing, and today, would be known as a 'conformal' tank. These were sourced from the spare set from the Tamiya FB.VI used for the NF.XII build.
The port tank has been fitted, after first sanding and polishing the joints, and reducing the height of the filler cap slightly. The starboard tank alongside awaits sanding. Although the tanks were 'factory finished' in 'Aluminium' paint, PRU Mossies had them painted the same colour as the aircraft, PRU Blue, so these will be primed and painted in situ.
PIC 6. How the model looks so far.

Apart from the other tank, there's a few things to fit or attend to before priming, including the nose blister, nav lamps, trailing aerial fairlead tube, and assemble the props after re-profiling the spare Tamiya 'paddle blade' examples.
I've been roped in to playing skittles for the local pub tonight, so I won't get an more done until some time tomorrow. Back then, hopefully with more progress pics.

Thanks chaps, and I think I'm starting to win the fight. The model is getting very close to the painting stage, with both wing tanks fitted, along with the nav lamps and the nose blister.

PICS 1 and 2. After fitting the port tank, I was still very dubious about the drain plug, and what I presume is supposed to be a water test valve, on the underside of the tanks, which protruded very noticeably. A quick study of reference pics showed that these items, if indeed they were present, were at least flush with the tank surface, so they were shaved off and lightly sanded, leaving just a ghost impression.
PIC 3. The navigation lamps were drilled, and the holes filled with the appropriate color for each side - red to port, and blue-green to starboard, only just visible here. The fit wasn't very good, so the joints have been filled with PVA which, once painted, will have another bead of PVA added, and then the sealing strips painted in black.
PICS 4 and 5. The nose blister is designed to be virtually a push-fit, but if fitted this way, due to the locating lugs, the blister is slightly off center. The top and bottom lugs were filed down, and the starboard side double lug modified, to allow the blister to be properly aligned. After masking, the blister was fitted, and liquid cement run around the joint, which was then sealed with PVA before painting the interior colour on the frames.

There's a couple of small jobs to do before the painting stage and, as the model will be painted in Xtracolor 'PRU Blue' gloss enamel, a primer coat of a mid grey shade will be sprayed first, and allowed to dry for at least 12 hours. I'm hoping to get the primer done, at least, some time over the weekend, and also prime the FB.VI.
Thanks again for looking in, and I'll post another up-date over the weekend.

Thanks chaps, and thanks for that drawing Andy.
I guessed there must be at least a drain cock, and probably a test valve too, but I couldn't see them on any of the pics of the 50 gallon tanks I studied, apart from what looked like either a flush, or recessed drain and valve.
The Tamiya representation was rather 'heavy' in appearance, so I think I would have got rid of them anyway, but now I've seen the drawing and pics, I'll drill the drain plug moulding (there's still a feint 'ring' standing proud), and add a very short length of rod, more to scale.
Hoping to get the primer on today, given I can get the other small bits added, which, for now, are the undercart door hinges and the PE ice guards - radio mast and trailing aerial fairlead tube (pinched from the Tamiya FB.VI kit) will be fitted after painting.
Then it'll be time to re-profile the Tamiya 'paddle' blades, to make the earlier DH prop blades, and adapt them to fit the Airfix spinners and back plates.
Might have some pics later today, or some time tomorrow.
Thanks my friend.

After seeing the drawings and pic posted by Andy, I went back and added the removed details to the wing tanks, sinking a small hole in the circle representing what I think is the test valve, and drilling a hole in the drain plug, and fitting a short length of thin plastic rod. The 'test valve' is the one towards the front of the tank, and this is designed to test for water in the fuel, which can accumulate overnight due to condensation, if the tank is not full, or if there's a poor seal on the filler cap. A test tube - type cylinder with a spigot valve is pushed up into the test valve, and any water will flow into the cylinder, as, of course, the water is heavier than the fuel, and will settle at the bottom of the tank.
The mid grey primer has been sprayed overall, relatively thinly, and will be left to dry overnight. I'm happy to report that all the gaps, lumps and bumps appear to have been sorted, and the PE ice guards, left off for now, can be fitted before spraying the PRU Blue, which I hope to get done tomorrow some time.
Apologies for the poor quality of the photos - the mix of daylight and artificial light seems to have fooled the camera sensor this time.

PIC 1. The test valve and drain plug added to the tanks. That oval 'lump' on the left is reflection, not a mark.
PIC 2. Primer coat on.

Terry, is a very good process and tutorial to overcome adversities; Now I'm in that process with my Lib, ... it's slow, a bit tedious, but you have to do it and do it right.

It is very enriching your shared experience ... thanks "estimado viejo lobo de mar"

A hug.

Luis Carlos

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