Slowly getting there on the port nacelle, with the basic shape of the intercooler intake almost done (the larger intake), and the carb intake at least rounded off, the louvres removed, and the intake itself drilled out a bit. This will be built-up with 'Milliput' and re-profiled.
The two halves were then joined, and I have to say the fit is terrible (these parts were moulded in India). Thankfully, there's so much more sanding and putty work to do, that the joints will be vastly improved by that stage !
The magneto cooling ducts have been drilled-out, using a 0.55 mm drill bit in a pin vice, and then carefully opened out with the tip of a scalpel blade, the fuel pump cooling intake has been added to the port side of the nacelle, made from shaped plastic rod, again drilled-out and finished with the scalpel, and the primer access hatch has been engraved on the starboard side - the fire access hatch has yet to be engraved.
PIC 1. Not a very good shot, but it shows the basic shape of the intercooler intake beginning to form.
PIC 2. The red arrow indicates the magneto cooling duct, drilled and reamed, and the blue arrow is the fuel pump cooling intake, added from shaped plastic rod. The joints were treated to a dose of Tamiya Extra Thin cement on the outside, in order to create a ridge to fill the uneven joint lines, and this was also used to 'weld' the inner faces of the intercooler intake, which was then smoothed off when the plastic had softened, and a rough approximation of the grill faces was engraved into the softened plastic, which should pass muster once painted,
The rough joints will be trimmed and sanded once the parts have fully set. The carb intake trunking has yet to be 'built-up' with 'Milliput' and then re-profiled, and I'm not too concerned about the rather rough internal finish of the intake itself, where it was drilled - out and trimmed, as this will be screened by a PE ice guard.
A lot of time was spent, before commencing the re-shaping work, on working out if the undercart could be fitted after the nacelles are fitted to the wings (instructions call for the undercart to be fitted as the nacelles are joined), and, after assembling one set of gear, and messing about for an hour or so, I found that the easiest way is to fit the forward bulkhead that holds the main legs, join the nacelles, and worry about the rest later !
It'll take some fiddling, and the one assembled undercart will have to be used on the FB.VI, but it will make life a
lot easier when it comes to the painting stage.
So, after around six hours work in total, there's still a long way to go, just on the port nacelle, but, bearing in mind the 'learning curve' on this one, the starboard side should be a little easier - I hope !
Thanks again for your continued interest, and I'll be back as soon as I have something positive to show.