Here's the pics.
The model has been primed, with an extra coat on the underside acting as the Neutral Gray camouflage colour. The paint went on beautifully, mixed from Humbrol No. 27 Ocean Grey and Matt white, using the spare, cheapo airbrush i bought recently, and I hope to get the Olive Drab sprayed tomorrow.
PICS 1 and 2. Before spraying the primer, holes were countersunk in the rear fuselage spine, and on the tops of the tail planes, to simulate the blue position lights, and these will be coloured and glazed during the final stages of the build. A further countersunk hole has been added just aft of the astrodome aperture, where the white navigation light will be, and holes have been drilled for the antenna wire lead-in, and for the IFF antenna on the underside.
PICS 3 to 5. How the model looks in it's grey primer coat.
Given I get the OD sprayed without problems tomorrow, I'll try to post some pics, but I'm going out to a party at the Ex-Servicemen's Club, celebrating our Queen's Birthday, so I might not get the pics done.
Of course, the Queen didn't come to my Birthday party, but I won't hold it against her, and at least this is a good excuse for a knees up !!