1:72 B-25B "Whirling Dervish"

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I didn't see your withdrawal in the other thread. The build thread would be the place to do it.
Nice work so far!

Sorry for the lack of updates, lads. Been taking a break from the model by continuing my B-26 research. Prop line should be painted soon, as well as fixing the demarcation lines and boots. After that I can finally glue on the stabilizers and cowlings and get this bird standing on its legs.
For the prop lines I have cut a sliver of an old black, or red, decal and applied it. Saves the nerves!
Hi all,

Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm being diving deep with B-26 research, learning some CAD basics and doing some non-CAD 3d modeling on that plane. I'll be posting a pretty large update on my B-26 thread sometime soon. The Whirling Dervish has been on the backburner in the meantime and is likely to remain so for a while. I also keep meaning to update y'all on my progress on it and then forgetting (I've had this tab open for at least three days now).

Anyway, I used masking tape back on the 20th to paint on the propeller lines, with good results on the right side but looking rather sloppy on the left (lots of paint bleed, didn't shake the bottle enough to mix properly, was too liquid). I did not have any spare red decals. Both the kit and kitsworld had their own warning stripes but neither was the right shape and I found them too finicky. After lots of applications of OD, then red, then OD, then red, I finally got the stripe looking good enough. I also cleaned up some of the chunks of paint and varnish that had formed on the boundaries between the originally applied OD and the thin OD layer applied for the noseart. A couple of days after that I finally placed the aircraft information stencil as best I could based on photos, placing it with a cocktail stick and using microset and microsol. I'm happy with the results, and even happier that this was the last of the decals that I plan on applying on the aircraft. There are dozens of tiny stencils on the airfix sheet but they're too small for me and I don't particularly feel like they add much to the model anyway.

Next I will finish cleaning up the deicer boots, after which the cowlings can finally go on the nacelles and the undersides of both can be painted. After that the main gear finishes coming together and I can close things up after pouring more weight as needed through the still open window holes. I haven't decided yet if I'll use putty to try to close up some of the nacelle's gaps. I really need to pick up an eyedropper so that I can more precisely thin my paints next time, I applied the paints way too thick, especially the Neutral Grey, because I feared that thinning it might make it leak under the masking tape. I don't know if this fear was logical or not, but the result is definitely too thick and makes the panel lines on the undersides very hard to see.

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