I'll just post a small update, next week I'm getting to babysit a huge house that has like 4 garages so I'll have tons of space (and time ) to paint hopefully I'll get this beauty and the P-51 done
here I'll have to re-do the bottom section since the paint cracked
same technique for the yellow, although I made the cowling and wings a little more faded than on my P-51.
Its hard to get the spray right and looking ok, I might redo the under wing sections but I'm guessing once weathering is added a bit with oils and pastels it'll be more to my taste :S
I'm happy with the cowling and I think it'll need a bit of touch up with another 1-2 coats of the Lemon Yellow but I like the effect of the weathering.
I have the cowling section on the bottom to still take a photo of, after assembly, I might wait until the completiton of the complete camo. I was thinking a Dark Green (I think TAmiya XF-61? or XF-73? I think the 61 is more suitable to resemble the upper section.) and Tamiya Light blue for the bottom.