1:72 Mosquito NF.Mk.XIII - Night War of WWII

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Thanks guys, and I will take you up on that if noone has any objections! Don't get alot of free time at the moment, and Geo is doing the subject I had chosen for GB 28!
Cheers guys - GB 28 it is then! Can one of the mods please modify the title and move this over, or should I just end this thread here and start a new one there?

Geo - thanks man, but keep it varied I reckon! I will do JU-H, but in my own time, not for the GB.
What I may do though (time permitting) is a quick build of her sister ship JU-E for my son, with the Dull Red codes and miniature C-type roundels. Not as striking as JU-H, but would be interesting to see some of the variations within the same squadron.

Thanks again for the comments guys, much appreciated!

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