1/8 Mig-3 But not really.

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Looking good Blacklist. Man....that is one clear canopy. Never judge your work against others, judge it against your last model. If it's even slightly better because of a change in technique or because of advice offered, you are that much farther ahead. Also, your mediums are way different, so it's an unfair comparison.

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.....Another thing I'm thinking is how far down, the bottom end of the modeling spectrum, my existance is.

It is not as bad as you think. Making a flying models isn't easy and requires some of experience in many fields of the kind of modelling. But more important is to keep the constant improvement of skills. However the most significant thing is ability of using of your own mind in order to find ways for getting many problems sorted out. I have designed and made a couple of flying models as well but would never think about using of the vinyl masks as you did. So it is a new experience I gathered just looking at your work here. THX .
Been busy doing other things, it's called "Life."

But, I did find time to add rivets to the wing top.

Still have a bit of surface detail left to do.

Bit late for a pilot, the canopy cannot be removed.

Eliminated some rivets on the flaps and added surface detail to the fuselage.

Still a bit to do before the green goes on.

I think its coming up beautifully. at my RC club there is a chap who built several semi scale spits, a Ju87 and a P-51 I think, at roughly the same scale. Yours is easily better than any of those. The colour scheme and your attention to detail goes way beyond anything ive ever seen in the flesh.

You deserve a massive pat on the back for this effort IMO
I agree. I've seen many, many R/C models where it's evident that the builder /owner may be great at building and flying and that that is his or her main interest, but when it comes to colour schemes and surface detail, the individual knows, or maybe cares little. Some great models have been, to my eye at least, spoiledt by spurious paint and surface detail finishes.
It's looking great, and I hope you have many hours of safe flying to reward your attention to detail.
You guys are great! Thanks for the uplift.

Almost ready for olive green paint. Almost.



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Took better than a full day to mask this model.

I had to mask the control surface spaces, all the edges of the elevator and flaps and everything else.

I didn't want any green bleeding through onto the yellow.

Won't know till I pull the masking.

All day yesterday to mask, five minutes to paint.

Rivet and surface detail doesn't look all that shappy?

Do I weather all of or any of this green? Gotta do something to brake up the solid green? Same treatment as the bottom but obviously a different color?

I have the landing light to paint and put in place also, plus a crap load of those tiny "twist" fasteners, like the ones I placed on the nose.


I'm disappointed with the color green, I think it's to dark.

I never should have pulled the masking.

Charles, if Germans used the RLM colours for repainting of the plane the green could have been either RLM70 ot RLM71. In fact these were quite dark.


It's the color on the left.

I have to bring the color down or there won't be surface detail visible.

I'm going to start masking again today, maybe get a better color on it by Monday.


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