1/8 Mig-3 But not really.

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Probably a tad incorrect for the correct color green, my excuse is, I lack correct color resources AND no two monitors see the same color. Will that excuse work?

Anyway, I dialed down the green so a darker color detail will show up better over it.

I can live with this new shade.

I was actually homeless for two days of my life, so I can live with just about anything, except that last dark shade of green.

Repainted today after remasking all over again.


Humm.. it looks more like the RLM02 I would say. But if the colour may allow to find it in the sky for safer flight it can be.

Thanks for the Kudos. I need them just as much anyone else, possibly more.


You have a trained eye for color. That was the best pick of that color, or close, that I could find in an aerosol can. I don't believe I admitted to that. Rust-O-leum actually. Shame on me.

Stuff covers well with just a dusting, pull masking in one hour, and it sticks.

I'm old and I'm tired. I also want to get on to my Stuka, so this was a quick fix. Masking the darn thing wasn't.

In flight, all you see is the profile and it's 60' away.



Thank you for the thumb up.

Now I have to weather the Mig-3 and bring all colors together so it looks like the entire model weathered instead of each individual color.

I'm a bit nervous about it.

why do you have to weather it? wouldn't just a basic clean up be sufficient. maybe just finish the weathering on those bits not yet so treated. The nose for example, appears perfectly weathered to me......
why do you have to weather it? wouldn't just a basic clean up be sufficient. maybe just finish the weathering on those bits not yet so treated. The nose for example, appears perfectly weathered to me......


Thanks for the reply and interest. I do understand what you are saying.

The nose did look OK, but I added a bit of color to match that of the underside. I'm not sure if this is an improvement or not?

I expect to do the areas of the wing and fuselage where I added all those rivets and surface detail.

I came into this Forum to learn how to detail models. I don't think I can leave that color green alone by itself?

I don't mind the process and I'm learning. I have that Stuka to do also.

What do you think? Have I ruined the look of the nose?

I forgot to say, these photos, I'm not done, I just started.

Thanks again for the reply.


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im unsure about the nose now. certainly okay both ways. not sure if the "griming up' isn't a bit overdone now.

Wait for Wurger and his advice though .
I'm afraid you have exaggereted with the weathering effect this time Charles. Too much of it on the engine cowling. Mig-3s weren't as dirty as it can be expected. Here a couple of shots with different Migs from brand new one to captured, damaged kite and painted with the winter camo. In all of them can bee seen that the weathering appeared for panel lines only and it can be noticed on the light painted surfaces. Even exhaust stains weren't to huge. To sum up... wetahering - yes but for panel lines only.



Mig-3 damaged.jpg

Yes, I can't sleep, I have this Mig-3 on my mind, been up since 3:00 my time and I have tennis at 9:00.

I'm tired but got at it. Drew the tail insignia from Wurger's drawing, and yes, I drew it correctly. After reading Wurger's Post, I removed most of the staining I had on the nose. Not all that easy to remove. Even more difficult to remove on the Rust-o-leum.

I kept in mind what Wurger mentioned about the panel lines and tried scuffing the surface up with 600 to accent the edges. The darker color green actually doesn't look all that bad showing through, but what do I know. I'M IN SCHOOL!! What do you think? An improvement?

Wurger, thank you so much for the time you put in to assist me with my model that actually doesn't really belong here. You always post great photos that explain great detail.

All others who have offered kudos also, don't think it's not appreciated. Everyone has been helpful.

So, unless I'm doing something, at the moment, that takes away from my efforts to bring realism to this model, I'll continue to sand with 600 in these areas to bring out the edges.

For a lay person like myself, this last look, achieved by accident actually, looks passable. Correct?


My pleasure. Now it is looking very nice. That's it. Another thing you have to do is to remove the wash from the fuselage behind the engine cowling. I don't think there was a such one there. I would add some of black/grey wash at the exhaust pipes level in order to imitate the exhaust stains.

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Thank you for that.

I still have a bit more to do. Gear struts, wheel well openings, exhaust staining, and a clear coat. I'm sure I left something out.

About the clear coat. It will be auto 2 part clear.

Matt, gloss or semi-gloss?

Here's the latest.


that looks really good to me....its a common mistake to overdo weathering effects, but what you've produced there in my opinion is a nice balance of restraint and authenticity.

Well done.

When you finally fly this bird, can you do a clip of the flight? id love to see what it looks and goes like.....
I agree with the post above. As far as the finish touch is concerned.. in all pics of Mig-3s it can be seen that the finish was semi-gloss. Sometimes it was semi-matt or matt rather. But the "semi-gloss" expression sounds good and I would follow that.

Thank you for that "well done."

The credit actually goes to the Forum and the help and advice I've received from modelers.

Where would I be without this help and Forum?


Semi-gloss it will be.

I added fasteners to the wing fairings and the fuselage panels. I made these panels with holes to fit these fasteners. Black on top and silver on the bottom. The silver on the bottom looks lame? Maybe they should be yellow?

Gear struts detailed. Do they look OK?

Nomenclature? Was all of that painted over after the aircraft was captured? Was it put back? Is there lettering I should add? "NO STEP." LOL.

Knowing when to stop. I was going to bring out the control surface hinges, at the moment I have none that are visible. Also, final decisions about detailing must be made before the clear is applied. Like the wheel wells. Don't want them yellow and that area is flat.



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