1/8 Mig-3 But not really.

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Thank you for the reply.

I've used Krylon paint before as a color undercoat, however they do not make a paint or a clear that is "fuel proof."

I use automotive 2 part clear for this.

The fuel that is used in these model engines really do a job on paint. I started using automotive 2 part clears on my R/C models as far back as the mid 80's.

This paint, used on models, has only become popular within the last ten years, if that.

There is "dope" paint and "dope" clears but I have little trust in them so I don't use them.

Thanks again for the reply.


Thank you.

Today I may do the exhaust stains on the fuselage sides. I'm not sure if this staining is carried onto the wing's surface?


Exhaust stacks that are higher than the wings' surface tend not to show on the wings on account of the airflow creating a barrier. Stacks that are even with the wing will have exhaust join with the airflow and leave stains on the wing usually above but can also be below the wing.
Night Fighter Nut,

Thanks for the reply. I'll keep it all on the fuselage.

I added some weathering to the insiginas, just enough to show use.

Is it OK?


Looking good to me. But not sure why there are rivets. The Mig-3 has the external wings covered with plywood attached with a glue, nails and screws. The wooden covering was plastered with fabric. The entire wing was varnished and then painted giving a very smooth surface.




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All that stuff was in photos. I found this one I used, there are others, I have them someplace. This one you can see circles faintly if you look really close.

I don't believe I embellished. Evem on a model like this, I believe, would that be uncalled for? Poor modeling? Correct?

Is there punishment.


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Oh I see. So you followed drawings. Unfortunately there is a mistake made. These small "rivets" on the external wing undersides have been reapated by authors who used diagrams of bare wooden wings without the fabric covering. This is my opinion. I'm sure the external wooden part of wings were spackled with a putty before plastering with the fabric skin. I don't think Russians hit the nails through the fabric because these were for holding down of the plywood covering but not for the fabric one. Here you are two enlarged shots of the Mig-3 external wing with undersides seen quite nice. Do you see any "rivets" in there? Because I don't.


And something additional here.... parts of a Mig-3 in a Finnish collection. Please make a focus on these scratches showing a yellow colours of the nitro putty ALG-2. Undoubtedly the putty was applied on the plywood directly and then the fabric skin was adding. Using of the way for finishing of the wing, Russian got a nice smooth surface without any "rivets" noticed.




Thank you for the reply and those great photos.

What is this "item" that I have an arrow pointing to? Enhansed photo.

This is what I copied.

I don't want to get in trouble. Hate to have the Thread go sideways.

I'd reater take punishment.


The part with the Red Star you posted is a part of another soviet plane kept in the museum. It is a remnant of Lagg-3 but not the Mig-3. The wing seen behind that it is of the Mig-3 part. The cover of the valve you marked was for re-filling of the air-system of the aircraft. The stencil says " НАГРУЗКА СЖАТЫМ ВОЗДУХОМ 150 ATM " what means " fill up with the compressed air 150 atm ".

Oh and I have found info that there were vents on the wing undersides ( the two lines of dark spots there ) . However I can't see them in available pictures of the plane. Unfortunately the Russian sources don't say cleary whether all Mig-3s had them or not. It seems that the Mig-1s and early Mig-3s didn't have these valves there at all.

Great information! Thank you for that.

Air valve on the fuselage, both sides?

Looks like I may have copied the wrong wing somehow for those other details. :(

I'm going to take a good look at the file I have of photos. I did see that someplace and made notes for my CAD drawing. I did this detail drawing and I believe I Posted it some pages back.

Thanks again.


.... Air valve on the fuselage, both sides?

The port side of the Mig fuselage ...


...Looks like I may have copied the wrong wing somehow for those other details. :(

Nothing wrong happened. Just I was surprised finding "rivets" there. But it is OK. Let them be as these are there. Trying to correct you may damage more than you can expect.

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