1n 1939 what would your operational airforce look like

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DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
I would not rate the P-38 over the Bf-110. The Bf-110 was not the best heavy fighter ever made but the P-38 just dissapoints me.

My bad, I fucked up on this post here. In my mind I thought we were talking about the P-39 no the P-38. The P-38 was deffinatly better than the Bf-110. Sorry about that guys.
alternative list
fighter bf109e
transport ju 52
medium bomber ju 88
maritime recce h6k1 mavis
carrier fighter a5m claude
carrier attack b5n kate
ground attack ju87 b
recce spit mk 1
heavy bomber shorts stirling
light bomber le0 45
basic trainer dh 82 tiger moth
advancrd trainer at6 harvard (texan)
twin Trainer beech 18
heavy fighter bf110
Interesting list there. I do like you trainer the tiger moth. I would love to fly one. I believe they made them after the war for a while as private planes. I know that quite a few are still flying.
yeah tiger moth is pretty had a couple of flips in one the alternative would be the bucker jungmeister l think its called and just apoint of info the pby5 canso(catalina) was not available til later and the pby 4 was major visible difference was lack of bubble positions on fuselage
The Bf-110 was a good idea and design that flopped in my opinion. It never really became what the Germans wanted it to be. It was a really great night fighter though.
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
The Bf-110 was a good idea and design that flopped in my opinion. It never really became what the Germans wanted it to be. It was a really great night fighter though.
I'd agree with that Alder. The British were more afraid of it that the 109 before the Battle of Britain but it never was a good heavy fighter but it was an excellent night fighter. It was not manouverable enough to combat single engined fighters but it was fine against bombers at night.
DerAdler said:
I do like you trainer the tiger moth. I would love to fly one.

You can (or could recently?) book a flight in the Argos catalogue!

On the Me110; I wonder if it had provided close escorts to the bombers in the BoB, to prevent head-on attacks. Allowing the Me109's to give top-cover, what would've happened?

Then after the bombers headed home, a bit of optional ground strafing?

My thoughts on it exactly.
On the Me110; I wonder if it had provided close escorts to the bombers in the BoB, to prevent head-on attacks

having un-manouverable fighters at the head of a bomber formation won't stop head on attacks, if you see a fighter coming at you firing at you and approaching with a closing speed of 500mph you're gonna move outta it's way no matter what you're in, but i do agree the -110 shouldda made more ground attacks in the BoB.........
Can I suggest that the key word is operational and that suggested airforces exclude prototypes. There were lots of planes in the Prototype phase in 1939.
Apologies for those who want to pick the P38, but if you want the P38 can I have the Fw190? The Whirlwind would be a good choice for a twin engined fighter.
Being British -

Interceptor: Spitfire
Ground Attack/Fighter: Hawk-75
Maritime Patrol: PBY

And that's it. They can come to me. I'm not wasting resources on building bombers.
Ive put more thought into this since i last posted, and came to this conclusion.

Ground support-Cr.42
Fighter bomber-Ba.65
Carrier fighter-A5m4
Recon/battlefield observer-Fi-56 storch
Flying boat-sunderland
coastal bomber/recon- If the Fw-200 condor was then in service, then the condor.

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