1st PLACE EXPERT: 1/48 Spitfire Mk.I P9366 QV-K BoB Group Build

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Senior Airman
May 29, 2009
User name: Jayl
Name: Jason
Category: 1
Kit: Tamiya Spitfire Mk.1
Scale: 1/48th.
Accessories: Eduard color cockpit, Eduard flaps, Xtradecal decals, Quickboost exhaust, CMK gun bays.

Got some better pics today. The build went together pretty well except for the broken canopy. I'll have to participate in more group builds. They seem to be the only way I get something finished. :) Thanks to everyone who followed the build thread and kept me motivated.

I hope that's what is needed for the mandatory pics. Here are four additional that are allowed.

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Excellent Jamie you have put a lot of effort into this and it certainly shows. Well done mate you have done very well
Great job Jay, I like it.
But as Andy mentioned, we (the Judges) need pics as required under the Rules and the Photo Requirements. Could I ask you please to have a look at these, and re-post the correct sequence (and angles) for your pics? Sorry for the bother, but it makes life a lot easier come judging.
Hey Jay, u can also include 4 additional pics after the 6 required shots man, helps us Judges make a better determination of ur work... Maybe some closeup shots of the superb detailing u got goin on....

Posted 4 detail pics. Hope I have it posted correctly now. Probably the only thing I don't like doing is having to deal with the multiple steps needed to post pics. Not really a dislike, probably just my least favorite part. :)
I see you're linking your pics to image shack. Another thing you can do is upload them to your thread straight from your hard drive.

In "Go Advanced", select the "Manage Attachments" button. In the pop-up, Browse your HD for the pics you want then hit "Upload" and there you have it.

The only thing you need to watch is that the pics have been correctly sized for the forums - max 800 wide. So you need to use an image manipulating software to adjust the size.
Thanks Les.

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