2010 World Cup - South Africa

Who are the World Cup Favorites? Pick your Top 3.

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well Germany handed England a huge lesson !

we were lucky it was only 4-1 the England back four were absolutely clueless, rooney was missing again though i dont belive he is anywhere near fit , gerard was always trying the 40 yard "holywood pass and faiied every time and why the F**k did heskey come on for defoe when 3 goals were needed.

Germany were much better in every department and were capable of stringing more than one pass together and England are just not good enough, no technique, no bottle no passion and capelo has the cheek to say England played well !!!!!!!!
Alright Germany!!!! Great win!! Well deserved. Germany handed England a schooling on how to play football. Yeah it should have been 2:2 at one point and the final score should have been 4:2 (if not 5:2 or 6:2), but all I can say to that is this:

Now it is even! Consider it even for 1966!

Back on topic though, congratulations Germany to a great game. Well deserved win. Pictures from my public viewing coming up soon.

England gets ROBBED! Lampard scores and no goal is given. That wasn't even close - Ball was in by at least a yard!!! Best argument for replay I've seen so far.

Germany leads 2-1. Both teams playing TERRIBLE defense!

If it had been Germany that had been robbed, nobody would say a thing, just like in 1966. Consider it even now (except that England still got the better end of the deal out of, they won a World Cup in 1966).

All in all it does not matter. Germany was the better team. They won fair and square, and England is lucky that it was not worse than 4:1.
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England were awful. Defence was a shambles, poor possession keeping and just not up for it. Yes, it should of been 2-2 and the game could of moved on from there but the way the defence was playing if both teams were pushing for the win the Germans would still of likely won because of the way they were able to break so effectively when England were pushing at 2:1 down.

But still needing 3 goals and you bring on Heskey who can't score for his life Haven't been pleased with Capello's decision making in this tournament and he even has the cheek in the post match interview to say that he thought England played well.

There is a huge case for technology (or even just goal line-linesmen) to come in to assist in goal line decisions. It wouldn't slow the game down. If using technology if it isn't a goal then just give a goal kick if it is it is a goal. Using a linesmen there the procedure would be fairly simple and wouldn't stop the game at all. Still I can't see why Blatter is so against the use of technology in the game, it works really well in other sports such as Rugby, American Football, Cricket and Tennis and everybody involved welcomes it's use.

Still despite the bitterness, England were awful and the better team won (even the BBC pundits said it). Would still like to see a European team win the World Cup. The Dutch would be nice to see win as they haven't yet won one. Don't think the German's quite have enough to win this one but we'll wait and see they are almost always the dark horses when not amongst the favourites. Spain vs Portugal will be where we will see how both those teams campaigns are going to go from here, should be a tight but good game, hopefully without too many dives or cards (like the England vs Germany game).
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Sorry but I didn't see the game in 1966 and only know about it because they happened to show a replay of it during this game.

I would have complained JUST AS LOUDLY had it been Germany that had been robbed in this game. (BTW My c'mon England call was a plea for them to get off their fat butts and start playing. Wojtek will confirm that my roots put me on the side of Germany. ) But to say that the no-goal call was justified because it's payback? That's beyond belief.

The refereeing in this world cup has been atrocious and this is just the latest in a long line of mind boggling calls. FIFA needs to pull it's collective heads out their rumps and do something. Add goal line officials, add replay technology, do SOMETHING for pete's sake.

You're right though - Germany was by FAR the better team and totally deserved the win. They totally outplayed and outclassed England, and 4-1 wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been.

I agree with you, it was robbed. It should have been 2:2, there is no denying that.

The reason why I call it pay back? 100% sure if it were the other way around, 99% of the World Cups would not be complaining about it. If it had been Germany that was denied the goal, oh well. Not saying you are like that, but that is the way it would have been. That is the way it always is...
The Germans were superior to the English.

Even allowing for the fair ungiven goal...

Have to say England didn't deserve anything over past four games. They are out because they were rubbish.

The Algeria game was a disgrace and they allowed German easy goals.
And talking of mistakes by officials there goes another one giving the Argentina's a goal...

They really have been awful in this World Cup.

I agree, this World Cup has been terrible for bad calls by the Refs. Two today so far (goal not counted for England and the offsides goal by Argentina). Pretty terrible if you ask me.

That third goal for Argentina by Higuain was a beautiful goal though!
That third goal for Argentina by Higuain was a beautiful goal though!
Third goal was scored by Tevez
that one needed a fire extinguisher when it landed

Higuain's scored Argentina's second goal after Osorio's howler

I still think Ferguson made a big mistake letting Tevez go across town to Manchester City, that lad's not fazed by the big stage, he'll score goals for you
Englands defeant wasnt construted today, it started when they has 2 draws in the qualifing stage , I mean come on guys, Algeria could be beaten. Was kind of sad see so disbalanced game, true the 2-2 was a different history but teh firepower of Germany is too much, probably it woulnt affect the final score.

By the way the victory is ours 3 to 1 an so much for the reservation of the people here about my footballistics prediction abilities, now Germany wont be so easy.

The English defence was poor today. I don't see the Argentines defence being great and I reckon it will be much harder against the Germans. The Argentines have a better attack so I reckon it will be quite high scoring with the Germans being effective on the break like they were today. Should be a good match, can see the Germans edging it.
Totally agree
it was embarrassing, I have no idea what our back 4 were on today, although it resembled special paid leave; they just went missing. Two centre-halves who didn't seem to know where they should be standing when the Germans were coming.

I hope everyone in the FA can now see that John Terry has the pace of a 3-legged donkey running backwards. We don't need a great leader or ambassador for the game, we need a mercurial defender with something to prove.

Bringing Heskey on? When we needed 3 goals?

I knew it, if we made it out of the group stages, the first decent team we ran into would obliterate us - surprise, surprise...

Lampard's goal may well have fired up a different timeline but I'm disinclined to believe it would have been in favour of England.

do you think Capelo will survive in his job ? he made some very strange decisions if you ask me and was not brave enough to take off Rooney even though he was ineffective in every game !
do you think Capelo will survive in his job ? he made some very strange decisions if you ask me and was not brave enough to take off Rooney even though he was ineffective in every game !
I think there should be a review
some explanations for his decisions would make for interesting reading. What was his thing with Wright-Phillips? A player of no stature who could run very fast into an opposing player - who'd then take the ball off him. Heskey's opener against the US was a false dawn - he's past it.

Rooney just never fired, I can't tell if that was down to bad service or just his mental and physical preparation.

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