2010 World Cup - South Africa

Who are the World Cup Favorites? Pick your Top 3.

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Yea, there has been plenty, remember that USA was negated 2 times of poerfectly scored goals by bad referee. The other big ones I can remeber are 1 offside goal of Argentina ( allowed thankfully ) against Mexico, handed ball in a match won by Brazil before the brazilian striker scored, and probably the most outrageous is the evident goal in the England vs Germany Match that wanst.

I'm gonna have to start cheering for Paraguay I think...
Larissa Riquelme, Lingerie Model, Will Run Naked If Paraguay Wins World Cup (PHOTOS

The article didnt mention the flock of guys that would running after her.
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Add in Kaka's red card and a couple of others. Seems as if there has been at least one seriously blown call in every game I've watched. Bad calls on goals, Inconsistency on what constitutes a yellow, phantom red cards. Just a terrible performance overall by the refs.

Oh and add me to the Paraguay supporters!
I agree with Kgambit,been really inconsistent, I'll throw my hat into Paraguay,beats running of the bulls anyday.
Alright Netherlands!!! Good bye Brazil! Finally a red card that was deserved as well. Even if you are losing, there is no need to do what Felipe Melo did to Robben.

One arrogant team down, one more to go...
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Yep, was certainly a deserved red. They lost their cool after the break and the Dutch deserved to win even if they did play that well first half.

Hopefully the Germans can do the same to the Argentinians. Netherlands - Germany final wouldn't be a bad one, neither would Netherlands - Spain...
Congrats for the Netherlands ! Would be nice to see them in the final game Germany vs Netherlands like 1974.

Tomorrow it will be a hard game for our boys - and if they pay concentrated they can win over the Gauchos

My fingers are crossed for Germany

Alright Netherlands!!! Good bye Brazil! Finally a red card that was deserved as well. Even if you are losing, there is no need to do what Felipe Melo did to Robben.

One arrogant team down, one more to go...

Totally agree. Melo's red was well deserved. Saw a couple of deliberate cheap shots from Fabiano as well - which unfortunately weren't called. Glad they're gone.

Now I wonder who the second time you are referring could be?
Totally agree. Melo's red was well deserved. Saw a couple of deliberate cheap shots from Fabiano as well - which unfortunately weren't called. Glad they're gone
Of all the matches to miss
I didn't get home in time, will have to make do with the highlights
Yeah I wish I had not missed this one as well. I had to listen to it on the radio, because the Army blocked all the sites on the internet where I could watch the game!

Really looking forward to tomorrows game. I to think that Germany will edge Argentina. It will be a very tough game, but I think in the end the German defence, middle field and the fact that the Argentinian **** talking is going to pump up these young Germany players even more.

Of course Argentina is just as capable of beating Germany, but I have a good feeling about tomorrows game.
Just saw the Dutch goals
don't want to take anything away from Sneijder but that first goal was the result of a schoolboy error from the Brazilian goalkeeper, why didn't he call? The defender had no idea he was coming out for it. A costly breakdown in communications.

For the second goal, the 'keeper should have been on his back post for that incoming ball.

That's not Holland's problem though, congrats

The 1st goal was officially recorded as an own goal. Sneijder received credit for the 2nd one though.

Ghana started off edgy
but they're giving Paraguay a good old stretch

two upsets in one day - can we handle it?

I think Ghana wants it much more than Uruguay. Does not bother me, let another South American team go home (normally I would not care, but all this stupid trash talking has really gotten on my nerves this week).
Did I say Paraguay? I meant Uruguay...

Y'know, as legs tire and the time closes down, I'm seeing faint hints of the Uruguay of the 70s
I really hope Ghana snatch this
Man what a finish to the game. First Ghana is denied a goal by a cheating Uruguay player (Can you really blame him though? I think any player would have done the same.). Then Ghana misses an 11 meter to win the game (awarded for the hand ball), then they move on to lose in the Penalty kicks.

My personal opinion is that Ghana deserved the win more, but hey that is football. The team to score more in the end wins. Congrats to Uruguay for making it to the Semis for the first time in 40 years.
Yep, I'd agree Chris, real shame to see Ghana miss that penalty. They certainly deserved it more and it a shame to see a team progress only because of some blatant cheating that went punished but as you said anyone would of done the same in that situation.

I reckon the Dutch stand a good chance of going all the way now. Would expect them to beat Uruguay especially with their main striker missing because of the red card.

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