'Always cast a glance upon the underdogs before or when you think there's no chance left of em rising'; nothing to loose, nearly no hope to win = fek it all, i.e; no stress, little to no shame and everything to gain from any improvement and chance presented.
The unexpected should always be expected within its context...
Wúnderschón, ...wúnderbár, 'Algeria' ..ist aus und fertig.
Ensure degung, ensure degung 'Algeria', wir haben gewyhnlich schón fussball.
Vor is Engeland, ist auf einer insel, ..tra la la, ..um pa paa.
or in blightysprek
Very good, ..wonderful, Algeria ..is out and bushed(finished).
Very sorry, very sorry Algeria, we have usually good football.
Where is England, its on an island, ..tra la la, ..um pa paa.
Looking at that phot o of Robben, he should get a/the gold plated Snorkel or Scuba Award (or the 'Klinsman' lol) for Best Consistant Diver of the Year, with the FIFA bonus award for Best Dive of the Competition - an small statue of a V1 Doodlebug impaling a football.
..while the offending offical(s), execs who the missed video electronic ref spotted infractions, should (all)have to be with his fellow failing/failed pitch officials and the most carded/offending players of the Cup in a Penalty Wall of Shame.
Where each of the winning team has to (try and pretend) to aim past them from the halfway line -but aim really at them, while they must keep their arms behind them and face forwards with respect (to for the fans)- and hope of not being hit in there offside rule.
Also a Cup Fans Aggregated Vote selected a FIFA Exec' should always be with the line of shame to keep him them somewhat more honest and respectful.
Although summary selection of not so good refs/officials/execs for the Wall of Shame Penalty Heat (they keep there careers, hell it might improve their popularity if it gives a bruise or a partially squashed nadger/bolloc/nut/testi etc) unless they really did do something illegal and immoral... then drag em to court where all fans are only allowed to one handed through a real un modified football at them once each, before trial etc.