2nd " Gathering of Mustangs "

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the old Sage
May 20, 2004
Platonic Sphere
alright one and all if you can make it to the states or if you are located here this is a must attend ...............

September 27-30, 2007, yeah I know it is a year away so what the heck, MARK YOUR CALENDARS !

in Columbus, Ohio. At least 70 P-51 warbirds are already signed up for this weekend. It is anticapated that some 100 ' Stangs ' will be there with a fly over of some 60 craft in formation ................. think about it, this is like having a US AF Stang group fly over your head. received this news this afternoon from the 352nd fighter group association ~ B. Powell. In any case the 352nd fg is having their reunion next year in Dayton with them attending at least one day in force.

well Kätie and I are thinking very seriously about attending, never getting out to Ohio might make all of this worthwhile

yee haw E ♫

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