5.5 Earthquake hits Romania

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Generalfeldmarschall zur Luftschiff Abteilung
Just heard that an earthquake happened, centered in Vrancea, Romania, registered 5.5 on the Richter scale. The quake also originated at a depth of 10km at 21:14 local time.

It was felt as far as Bulgaria and throughout the Balkan region and they are saying to be cautious, as there may be more quakes.

I know we have several members who live in that region and I hope that they and their loved ones are safe.
Didn't know they could have earthquakes in Romania. Hope everyone is safe!
Aparently, that region of Romania is pretty active.

I was surprised when I looked at the geology map of the area. Also noted that Bulgaria has only had 6 quakes in the past three years, all minor and three of those were centered in the Sofia area (one of those quakes in Sofia happened about the moment my airplane landed back in July 2012!)

Turkey and Greece, on the otherhand, have much more activity and sometimes, it can get real nasty.
I hope everybody was safe there!
We had an earthquake too last evening (13.08 GMT) in the central mountain area of Japan. Scale 6.8/depth 10km.
The earth seems more active.

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