I think you need to go eat a Bloomin' onion and a decent steak. And maybe a vegemite sandwich.
And for God's sake, PAINT something!
Doesn't matter what, or what color, unless it's mauve, and then no man will ever know what color it is, and neither will you. Mauve is color invented by women to confuse men. Nobody except the female who discovered or invented it knows what color mauve is. What you do is get some red and add rat droppings (or maybe chicken droppings) until it isn't red anymore. Then continue to add bad things and texture stuff until it gets to the right shade.
When it is right, you have achieved feminism. Don't do this at home.
Leave it to the professionals who know how to do it in someone else's house and escape with their masculinity intact. They usually bathe afterwards out of instinct, not a bad smell.
Congrats, too, Brian! Seems like it goes by quickly, doesn't it?
So what WERE you doing 5 years ago at this time? You weren't still remodeling, were you?