75th BoB from Duxford

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I forgot to add, Andy - you were right about the two Nimrods on Saturday, as seen in your pics. I checked the programme Max left with me, and they were a Mk1 (with tail skid) and MkII, with tail wheel, different wing arrangement etc. Great to see the one flying on Sunday.
I remembered seeing them but I didn't get any pics of them in the air, at least that I kept. I though I had some....

Anyway, next in the show was the Blenheim Mk I along with 3 Hurricanes. I did not get a good pic of the Shuttleworth Collection Sea Hurricane pass.

Great shots, especially the Blenheim.
For the benefit of other members, the Hurricane coded 'UP-W', Serial Number R4116, actually fought in the Battle, flying 57 sorties, and I believe gained some victories, when flown by various pilots.
It was discovered in India by Peter Vacher, who brought it back to the UK a few years ago, and completely restored it to genuine WW2 configuration, in the colours it wore during the Battle.
It was a great day Vic, or, for Andy, Jeff, and his friend Jason, a great two days at the show, plus Friday at 'Arrivals Day' - and then we all went around the Museums at DX on Monday.
Here's a few more from Sunday morning, showing the depth of the crowd in just part of the area where we were located, on the 'Tank Bank', followed by some of the Harvards taking off, and the return of the BBMF from their fly pasts elsewhere.
The final pic, over the heads of the crowd, shows Spitfire MkIIa, P7350 of the BBMF, which actually fought in the Battle, and still has the patches covering three bullet holes. Back in 1982, at Alconbury, I almost got a ride in a T-33 Talon, for letting an 'Aggressor's' F-5 jockey sit in the cockpit of this aircraft, but bad weather prevented it going ahead !


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Excellent picture thread to this point. Thanks to Andy, Karl and Terry for their contributions. I am searching through my photos for ones that are different than what the others have posted.


The Yale was up Friday but scratched Saturday and Sunday. Good ones guys. Karl, I like that second one, a rare topside view which always seemed to be in the distance.
Good ones Karl.
When the Blenheim came in closer, it was too close, as I had to rack-back the lens as quick as I could with my knackered hand, just to catch the nose area !
The only reason I can think of that there were no relatively close 'top-side' views of most of the participants at this show, would be one of safety, following any rulings after the Shoreham crash. Banking towards the crowd, in the case of an engine failure or worse, has more chance of putting an aircraft involved into or very close to the crowd, whereas banking away would normally result in the opposite.
A few more of mine, with the Buchons preparing for the 'airfield attack', a Spitfire MkXVIe, and the 'Me108' (Nord).
When the recently restored Spitfire Mk1a, N3200, took off, it appeared to suddenly drop its starboard wing, as shown in the final, somewhat 'hazy' pic.


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That's what I thought Andy, although in the second pic in the sequence, the pilot appears to be looking down and to his left.
And thanks - from memory, yes, I was on 400 ISO, with shutter priority at either 1/250th or 1/320th - I'd have to check the settings. Later, when I broke the remote cable for the pistol grip on the D80, I inadvertently knocked the Image Stabilisation to the 'Off' position, and the settings dial to 'Auto' !
I spotted the changes eventually, but only after taking a further couple of hundred pics - which will be evident by the 'frozen' props when I post them later !

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