75th BoB from Duxford

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Here's a lot of Blenheim shots, but hey, it's rare, and great to see !


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Nice ones Andy !
That 'Commanche Fighters' Spitfire duo were a joy to watch - just a pity they were displaying with so much else going on at the same time, although the overall effect was good.
Me too - out of more than 2,800 pics taken, including 'accidental' shots of the ground, sky, car roofs etc, I think I can post lots more until people say "Enough !!".
So here's some to be going on with, showing the end of the Blenheim/Hurricane display, with a Hurricane banking in over the M11 and Duxford village, and the Blenheim taxiing in after landing.
The 'Commanche Fighters' Spitfire Mk1 duo put on a superb, smooth display of formation aerobatics, set to music, and a few from the various sequences are shown here.


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Terry...those pics at #112 are simply breathtaking! Thank you for sharing.

Andy...same-same for your pic of the Red Arrows and the Spitfires. Lovely photo!

You guys are making me homesick! :(
Thanks very much Buff - and I agree about Andy's shot of the 'Scampton Darts Team' with the Spits ! If they did it on Sunday, I missed it, as I'd gone to the bog ... er, sorry, toilet, in the tank hall !
beaut shots Jeff, especially the Broussard, and the Hurricane landing.

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